12. Honesty & Apologies

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"You know what scratch that shit don't fucking talk to me at all."

"Mona," I yelled entering into the room. Only to be greeted my the strong smell of weed and alcohol throughout the room. I checked the bathroom and the other room to no avail, they'd gone.

"Fuck," at this point I knew that I was gonna kill his ass. I looked around the room and all I seen was empty cups and a messy bed, looking like two people was laying in it. I had so much anger I didn't even know what to do, before I knew it there were two holes in the walls and the TV had been thrown acroos the room.

Maybe she was right the other night, maybe I shouldn't even be with her. Since day one all its done been is drama with this girl, but then again maybe this could be love but I'm facing the struggles. But what in the fuck am I even saying because old Anthony woulda been and left her ass, way before Cali.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket as I answered.

"Huh," I said trying not to sound rude.

"Um Anthony," a familiar female voice questioned.

"Yea. Who Dis?"

"It's Mari."

"Oh okay have you heard from yo sister."

"No that's why I was calling you, she was supposed to be here to pick me up from school but she ain't even show up."

"I'm on my way. Where you at now," I said getting up rushing to my car.

"I'm at the McDonald's right across the street, I ain't wanna draw to much attention," she explained.

"Alright babygirl just sit tight I'm on my way."

"Thank you Anthony. I don't know what I'd do without you. And I'm sorry about Mona it's just that you wouldn't understand the things that she's been through and I know I'm young but I think that she never really got the chance to grow up so she's acting out right now."

"Yea, I guess so."


I lied there in my bed thinking about where did I go wrong in life. What did I do to deserve all of the bullshit that I got through on a regular. I went to grab my phone seeing that it was dead, I put it on the charger watching the Samsung logo pop onto the screen.

I unlocked my phone to see a shit load of missed calls and messages, almost all from Anthony. I called Mari completely forgetting that I had to pick her up, I've never done that before.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey I'm finna come to get you now," I said pulling my shoes on.

"Oh you don't have to, Anthony's driving me home. And besides we're almost there."

"Oh, well are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine," she nonchalantly said.

"Mari I'm so sorry girl you know I would never normally do this."

"It's okay Mona don't be upset, we all slip up sometimes right," I swear I loved this girl so much, her innocence kept me going throughout everything.

"Yea I guess," I agreed. "Mari is he mad?"

"Very, what's for dinner tonight," she asked changing the subject.

"How mad," I countiued.

"No puede incluso ocultar (He can not even hide it)."

"I fucked up this time Mari."

"Yea, I'll be there in a minute okay. Te amo Mona," she sang.

"Te amo mami," my sister always could make me smile. I layed back down to stare at the ceiling as my phone rang.

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