22. Say My Name

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I knew Anthony would never forgive me.

"Wait." Anthony stood in front of me, stopping me from entering into the hotel. "Mona we don't have to do this if you'ont want to," he assured. I smiled reassuringly, grabbing his face down as I passionately kissed him. I roamed my tongue all around his mouth, pulling back I smiled giving him playful kisses all over his face; he grinned catching his breath.

"So I guess you do then," he grinned. I nodded smiling, I just wanted to get this over with. We got upstairs entering into our hotel room, he had the place set. There were tulips all over the room, which were my favourite, he had the entire room smelling of cranberries. Candles were lit and the entire feel of the room was so intimate, not to mention that it was huge.

"Oh my god Anthony," I cried. I felt warm tears poured from my eyes, I couldn't believe he did all of this for me. He came from behind me burying his face on my spiral curled hair, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"Why did you do this, you didn't have to," I cried.

"You my queen, you don't deserve anything less," he whispered. He picked me up carrying me to the room, it took a while to get there since the hotel room was so big. We stared into each others eyes as he hovered over me.

"Now imma ask you again," he smiled. He kissed at my cheeks, drying away the previous tears. He started to bite and kiss at my neck, I knew he was leaving a trail of soon noticeable hickies. I bit my lip moaning out, I loved his teasing. "You sure you wanna do this babe?" I impatiently nodded wanting him to continue.

He pulled off my button up blose and skirt, leaving me only in my under clothes. I moved around feeling a little uncomfortable, he grabbed me by my side whispering in my ear. "You beautiful, just the way you are. Don't be afraid or ashamed of anything baby," he kissed. I wasn't really ashamed, I was just unsure. I nodded letting him countiue his kisses, he swiftly pulled off his white t-shirt and pants, leaving only his Ralph Lauren boxers. He was nearly bursting out of his them as he pulled of the remainder of my clothing. I just wanted him now, I wanted him to fuck me so I could get over my problems of Cali.
"Stop teasing baby, I want it now," I whined.

He slowly pulled out of his boxers, and damn he was big! I felt my lip quiver from the nervousness. "This ya last chance ma, you sure you wanna do this."

"Yeah," I whispered back, still in shock from his size.
He placed at my entering slowly making his way in. I felt a sharp pain, as he smoothly glided inside of me. I cried out moans of pain, "it's okay baby." He whispered starting to stroke faster, but the pain was still there. "Ohhh," I but down onto my lip as pleasure mixed in with pain settled me.

His long member penetrating my needing body, he started pounding at me send my body into spasms. "Fuck," he grunted.

"Anthony please," I breathlessly whined. My lips quivered as pleasure took full force of my body, I was about to cum. He pulled back looking into my eyes, into his all I could see was Cali. This took me to another level, seeing his face while any to cum was as best as it could get.

"Go faster baby," I moaned, Cali smiled picking up his pace, I felt my build up once again. "Say daddy's name," he whispered pounding harder.

"Fuck baby," I could cry at how he was making me feel.

"Say my name ma," Cali said slightly grinning while fucking my brains out. Then and there was the moment I had to do it, I had to.

"Caliiii," I screamed closing my eyes releasing. I smiled opening them up to stare into the sad eyes of Anthony.

I knew Anthony would never forgive me.

Dedicated to lovehard_never


In the words of Martin Lawrence.....


I can't believe she did that! Shit crazy son!




Four more chapters

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