13. Point of it All

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So if I have a grudge against Anthony that shit is well deserved, he ruined my life.

I must have called Mona fifteen times and I still ain't got no answer. I rolled outta bed and slipped a t-shirt to go outside and take a walk. I made sure that my phone was charged just in case she called.

I know I just started talking to Mona out of spite to Anthony, but I really started getting feelings for this girl. We had a lot in common and I clicked with her in a way that I've never before with anyone else. So a nigga can honestly say that he wants her.

"Where you going Clyde," my aunt Pam asked as I walked to the door. "I'm just going for a walk, I needa clear my head."

"What's wrong boy," she asked stiring her famous mustard greens. "Nothing really," I lied. "Now you just gonna lie to your favourite auntie huh. I thought me and you was better than that baby," I went to take a seat at the table.

"Alright, imma tell you the truth but you gotta promise that you not gon' yell, hit, or hurt me in any way, shape, or form Te Pam Because you know you crazy."

"Boy I ain't gonna do you nothing now tell me what happened," she smiling now but when I finish she gonna try and kill me.

"Okay Te Pam, you already known that me and Ant ain't on the best of terms so when I came down here I wanted him to feel what I felt. So I seen that him and Mona had a lil thing going on or whatever so I took advantage of that. I started playing with her feelings like you know making her think that I actually cared, but within a week," I stopped.

"Te Pam I really care about this girl now. Then I made Anthony mad because I kinda made him think that we had sex, but we didn't, and the fact that he ain't even knew that we knew each other. You know 'cause don't want nobody to know that he related to a brotha'. And then I was on the phone with Mona and she asked me was I and Anthony related and I said yea, and then she just hung up on me. I'on even know what I did."

"First off how in the hell you "kinda" made him believe that you had sex with that girl? And the reason why she's mad at you is probably because she feel like you two dumb asses is trying to play her," she pulled out a cigarette.

"Te Pam why you smoking and didn't you say don't cuss in yo' house."

"I also told y'all two, to stop being dumb asses, but look what I'm stuck with."

"And besides I just hold it to my mouth as a stress reliever, I don't light it," she added.

"You and Anthony need to put aside y'alls differences, especially you Clyde. Baby what happened to Tiona was years ago, don't let the past effect the present," she tried.

"Say Te Pam I'on wanna tlk about that," I got up walking to the door as Anthony walked in.

"Yes we are about to talk about it, now the both of you sit down," she demanded.

"Say grandma I ain't finna si,-"

"I said sit yo asses down," she said now full blown anger.

"I just don't understand you two, neither one of you have an excuse for the way that you treat each other. Anthony I tought you better than that and Clyde, Cynthia tought you better than that," she screamed referring to my deceased grandmother. "Clyde what happened to Tiona was not Anthony's fault, and it's about time that you realize that. And Anthony you're just as bad as him, stop bein' so damn angry and understand his situation. The both of you need to fix this, because if y'all two haven't noticed, y'all are all each other got," her face flushed red as she turned to wipe her face.

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