Jealousy 😈

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Warning: smut

Cassie POV

Sixth year had begun and the seriousness of everything was clouding over the bright September days. I hadn't spoken to Malfoy since the Quidditch trials and I wasn't planning to. Whatever he was up to was dangerous. And I couldn't get attached. Despite everything that we shared last term.

It didn't help that Harry had now become intrigued with what he was up to too, having overheard something on the train. It was a relief in some ways to have an excuse to talk about him but I felt slightly paranoid that they'd find out I knew something earlier.

One Friday I sat in the common room drinking brandy to calm my nerves about this whole conflict, when Parvati walked over.

"You wanna come to the Ravenclaw party?" she asked nodding at my bottle, "You're up and running already."

"Sure," I put my bottle down and gestured towards the others, "Come on guys. We're going out."

Without question Harry, Ron and Hermione followed me to the party, keeping an eye out for teachers lurking around the corridors. We knocked cautiously on the ROR door and slipped in.

The room was crowded, a mix of nervous looking fourth years, drunk fifth years and surly sixth years in the corner so that's where we headed.

"Heya," smirked a Ravenclaw holding up a Butterbeer bottle, "Just in time for Spin the Bottle."

"No thanks," replied Hermione looking a little disgusted, "I'd rather-"

"We'd love to," I interrupted, ignoring the indignant dig in the side from Hermione, "You can watch." I nodded towards the rest of the room, "With the fourth years."

She sighed, "Now that's just creepy," she muttered and sat beside me in the circle in a huff.

"Right," said the Ravenclaw clearly taking charge, "You know the rules. Kiss whoever it lands on. Properly." He nodded at Hermione who frowned.

"And if I don't want to?" she said folding her arms.

"Forfeit," he winked draining the last of the bottle.

"Which is?" she asked but I interrupted, "I don't think you don't wanna know."

"Your girl's right," he nodded, "Seven Minutes in heaven with said person."

Hermione rolled her eyes but didn't attempt to argue so the Ravenclaw spun the bottle to pick the first person-Crabbe. I grimaced but thankfully he picked Pansy so while she began arguing, I looked around the room.

I had Harry on one side, Ron on his other with McLaggen stretched out beside him, Hermione on my left with Lavender, Seamus and Parvati next to her. Dean was sat with Ginny in a dark corner somewhere.

Moving around we hit the two Hufflepuffs; Hannah and Susan who looked a bit concerned to be there, and then the Ravenclaw himself with three of his friends I knew from sight only.

Finally we hit the Slytherins; Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy himself had also turned up, smouldering opposite me. His eyes clicked on mine as I looked around and raised his eyebrows once, which in Malfoy terms could mean anything so I turned back to the game where it was now Blaise's turn.

He picked Susan, who then picked a Ravenclaw and it finally got interesting when the original Ravenclaw picked Hermione.

I had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing at her expression, "Go on girl get it over with," I smiled at her and glaring at me, she reached over and pecked him shortly. I felt Ron breath in sharply.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now