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Cassie POV

It was a quiet few weeks. I was still fuming at Hermione's interference and thus not talking to anyone, not even Lupin. He was far too busy with Order meetings anyway. The crippling loneliness I began to feel made writing to Malfoy even more tempting but I knew (very) deep down that to some extent Hermione was a tiny bit correct. It was risky.

One particular day we were all called down for a quick briefing before school started again. Lupin wasn't there, it was full moon tonight so he'd scarpered to a safer place but he promised he'd be back to see me off. I was only half listening as Mr and Mrs Weasley explained how the Aurors were accompanying us to Kings Cross.

"Hm?" I was snapped out of my daze by Mr Weasley's voice, "Sorry?"

"I asked if it was clear," he said nervously, "You got that?"

"You'd best pay attention Cassie," said Hermione sharply, "More than any of us."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh yeah sorry I forgot to mention I'd tipped the Malfoys off about Sirius' whereabouts."

Silence fell around the room and they all suddenly stared at me wide eyed, "Oh for Merlin's sake I'm joking!" I snapped standing up angrily, "God does no one in this house trust me?!"

I stormed out of the room, bumping into the painting of Sirius' mum who began screaming.
"Oh shut up." I snarled yanking the curtains so hard they broke. I held the broken hangings in my hand breathing heavily.

"Whatever," I dropped them behind me on the floor and made my way up to Buckbeak's room. It was always quiet there and Buckbeak never judged me.

I bowed at him nervously as I walked in. He glanced at me for a good few seconds before he bent his knees and bowed back. I sighed relieved and plonked myself next to him. I'd never felt so isolated. I was used to living with Lupin so I had some idea but not to this extent, where the people on my own side were treating me like the enemy.

A little while later I heard a knock on the door followed by someone coming in.

"Go away," I said automatically, not bothering to see who it was. Most likely Harry.

"Not quite Lily are you?" I heard a smirking voice and turned to see Sirius standing at the entrance. I felt myself tense a little. Despite him being Harry's godfather and my parents' and Lupin's best friend, I had barely spoken to him. In fact, not sure we ever had.

"What do you want?" I asked surprised that out of anyone he was the one who decided to come see me.

"Charming" he raised his eyebrows and shut the door behind him.

"I don't want to hear it," I said as he opened his mouth, "I know you're gonna tell me that Hermione is right and I shouldn't be endangering us by writing to Malfoy-"

"Actually no," he said sounding surprised and I shut up equally shocked,

"You're not?"

"God no!" He said, "Christ we've all had friends we shouldn't really have. That's part of the appeal!"

I raised my eyebrows, "None whose parents are death eaters though," I muttered.

He was silent for a minute, "Did Lupin ever tell you about Lily at school?"

"Rarely," I replied, "I expect she was perfect was she?"

"In some ways," answered Sirius, "I guess more than us. She was certainly a good mother."

"Then why..." I struggled. There was a question I'd been battling with for years. I hadn't even asked Lupin. I looked up at Sirius. The man I'd never really spoken to. But suddenly there and then in that moment of vulnerability I trusted him.
"Then why did she leave me that night?" I asked quietly, "Why did she only take Harry? Have I always been..." I struggled, "the mistake?"

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now