Banging in the Bathroom ⚠️

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⚠️Lemon/Smut ⚠️

Christmas was a quiet affair. I hadn't initially been invited to the Weasleys but after Harry's vision of Mr Weasley being attacked meant everyone was awoken and the Order summoned, Lupin immediately proposed I join them in Grimmauld Place. Harry's little episode had won even more sympathy and admiration from Ron's parents so they fussed over him even more than usual, leaving me once again to my own devices.

My relationship with Mrs Weasley was tense to say the least. She tried to treat me as one of her own as much as she could, but evidently the Witch Weekly article from last year and the argument last summer had dampened relations considerably and she'd much rather fuss over my golden twin brother.

I didn't mind too much. I was used to it and although I wasn't allowed to write to Malfoy, I certainly had plenty to dwell upon, reliving our night in the ROR over and over again, often completely zoning out until Hermione brought me back to earth with a sharp snap of her fingers.

"Daydreaming again?" asked Lupin smiling at me. He had looked even more withered than in the summer. I guess the lack of employment was grating on him. I had tried unsuccessfully to brew a Wolfsbane Potion all of last term as a Christmas present but I wasn't risking the suspicious concoction I eventually produced, so I decided to be on my best behaviour to relieve his stress.

"Someone special on your mind?" asked Sirius his eyes twinkling-I hadn't ever seen this much life in him. I guess the company had put him in a good mood.

"Not really," I shrugged as casually as I could but of course everyone else was far too wise.

"That mysterious 'Ravenclaw' maybe?" suggested Fred his grin practically stretching from each ear.

"Got it in one," I answered and everyone laughed so I moved myself into the quieter corner, the twins following.

Fred and George had been speaking to me again which was a relief post that awkward party last year. Not that they ever really held a grudge but they'd been too preoccupied with their business. The argument in Grimmauld Place last summer had won their sympathy though and they even invited me to test their products as they needed to know how it reacted in females as oppose to males.

"Something special definitely happened didn't it?" Fred asked a meaningful look in eye.

"What do you mean?" I asked my heart thumping.

"Oh c'mon we all know the walk of shame, we practically invented it," replied George his eyebrows raised, "Your post-coital glow is practically radiating!"

"Fine," I admitted sighing, "Yes, yes I did."

"Congratulations!" said Fred punching my shoulder enthusiastically, "One more reason for Mum to complain about you!"

"Oh don't," I groaned glancing over at her preparing food and fussing over Mr Weasley's bandages, "I hate being on bad terms with your mum."

"She'll get over it," Fred assured me, "Once the excitement of Harry saving Dad's life's worn off."

"So never then..." I confirmed and they shrugged.

"Do we get to ask who he was?" George asked, uncharacteristically a little on edge.

"No," I shook my head gesturing at the grown ups, "It's more than my life's worth at this point."

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now