Rebound 💦

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⚠️Lemon/Smut ⚠️

Cassie POV

So that's how it went. I began to date George. was nice. It made a change to have a guy actually respect me as well as tease me and I let myself enjoy it.

Malfoy didn't. He looked shocked the first time we locked eyes in the corridor, George's arm wrapped loosely around my shoulders. He looked more surprised than disappointed. I didn't see why he should be. He had plenty of other girls queuing to hook up with him; but, as I found out only recently, he did indeed lose his virginity to me. Despite everything, I was proud of that fact.

"What's the deal with you and him now?" George asked when he noticed us staring at each other, "You on speaking terms again?"

"No," I replied finally breaking eye contact, "You don't need to worry about him. At all..." my words trailed away slightly as I locked eyes with him again. I happened to be wearing the panties he bought me (they were comfy) which somehow made my mind fixate on only one thing.

I sighed, this might be harder than I thought.

I'd missed so many Ancient Runes lessons to avoid him to the great annoyance of Hermione even though I consistently reminded her I had no interest in pursuing it at NEWT level. I hadn't turned up to a single library date either and simply completed it on my own, my mind on everything but the work.

When I finally did drag myself to a lesson, he was predictably quiet and I tried to ignore him as much as possible. I was still incredibly hurt and I think for once he got it. I've no idea if he was in any way sorry for what he did but at least for once he acknowledged I was upset.

He looked like he wanted to say something but before he could Professor Babbling interrupted, "So class," she announced clapping her hands together, "Before we start anything I want all your completed coursework scrolls."

My heart dropped like a stone. Of course, the coursework. We'd been working on it since Christmas, 4000 words of tricky translations and diagrams but all the drama in the last few weeks had put it completely out of my mind. It was nowhere near finished.

Filled with dread, I slowly raised my hand in the air, "Professor I'm sorry but my coursework is-"

"Right here," interrupted Malfoy suddenly producing two scrolls from his bag and not looking at me handed them over, "She left it in the library."

"Ah that's lucky!" smiled Professor Babbling taking them, "Thank you Draco."

As she walked away I looked over at Draco completely shocked. Had he just...done my entire coursework for me? He refused to look at me, instead fiddling with his quills but I could see a slight tinge appear on his pale face. I barely listened to a word Professor Babbling said all lesson as I was far too preoccupied with what just occurred. Did big, bad, selfish Draco Malfoy just do something nice and considerate for me?

When the bell finally went, everyone packed up furiously, Hermione following Professor Babbling out the door asking a million questions but I stopped Malfoy as he tried to leave.

"Draco wait," And he finally turned to look at me, "Did you...did you do all that for me?" when he didn't answer I continued, "Why?"

He shrugged, his expression cool, "I dunno," he muttered, "I couldn't think of any other way..."

"To do what?" I asked folding my arms, finally seeing where this was going.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now