Banned from You

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Cassie POV

The last few weeks of term were incredibly quiet. The whole school including me were numb with shock over Cedric's death. Of course I believed Harry's version of events instantly, no doubt about it, but I was concerned about him. No-one else seemed to have clocked the trauma he'd seen and bothered to help him effectively. I had written to Dumbledore twice to allow Harry to stay with me and Lupin but he replied firmly that Harry must remain with the Dursleys. Forever confused I gave up.

Soon I was on the rickety train back to London, feeling the usual twinge of sadness at what I was leaving behind. Mercifully I bumped into Malfoy offloading his trunk again as I'd made my way down slowly to see if I'd conveniently run into him. 

"Hey," I smiled and he turned around surprised brushing his blonde hair out of his face, sending tingles down my back, "Don't worry I'm not following you onto the platform again."

"Cheers," he said glancing nervously towards his father who was stood a little while away, but couldn't see me from his angle, "Would've been fun."

"Well have a good summer," I said, "Don't kill him will you?"

"I'll try," he muttered, shooting an angry look in his direction, "You stop hitting puberty will you?"

I looked over surprised and amused, "Sorry?"

He shook his head  at me, "You come back better looking every year," he explained, "Please don't. I don't need any further temptation."

"Wow," I remarked, feeling my cheeks redden a little, "Could say the same for you,"

He didn't look at me but smiled to himself, "Stop this," he ordered amused, "You're not allowed to flirt with a Slytherin."

"And you're not allowed to catch feelings for a Gryffindor," I reminded him, "Daddy will be after you."

His face turned into a look of disgust but before he could say anything, a cold voice drifted over the platform, "Draco? What's keeping you?"

"God it's my dad," he muttered, "Guess I'd better go. See you Potter."

"Bye," I said softly watching him hop off the train, turning once to give me a wry smile behind his dad's back. I sighed and waited a good thirty seconds before following to join Lupin who'd been standing patiently near the barrier, shooting Mr Malfoy a cold look as he passed.

"Hey," he smiled hugging me, "Good year?"

"Interesting," I replied, watching Malfoy's retreating back disappear through the barrier, "Very interesting."

The summer was far quieter than usual. Almost instantly Lupin had moved us to Grimmauld Place to attend Order of the Phoenix meetings which I was obviously allowed no part of. Thus I spent my days writing letters to Harry, far more honestly than the rest, as I knew he'd be going mad locked in the Dursleys' house all summer. To my surprise Malfoy had been far more consistent than I expected, but I had to hide his letters from the rest, fearful of their judgement. But I couldn't deny I was beginning to crave what I couldn't have. 

However I couldn't hide forever. I'd begun to look forward to watching his eagle owl swoop towards the windows to deliver my letter though I had to hide it for a good thirty minutes while I wrote my reply. My friends may have been distracted, but they weren't stupid.

On the day Harry was due to arrive, I'd spent a particularly long time penning my reply locked in the bathroom. The owl was growing impatient, pecking around my hands and flapping against the walls.

"Shhh!" I hissed at it, "I'll be done in a minute, just hold on."

I continued scribbling furiously; I'd surprisingly had just as much to rant about as him but obviously I had to be careful, given the secrecy of where I was staying and the activities happening within it. It was nice to have someone to talk to about things that I couldn't particularly speak to anyone else about and as per, he reserved judgement.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now