Draco and the Dementor

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Cassie POV 

The end of term was rapidly approaching and I was looking forward to the Dementors being removed from the school premises; they gave me the shivers. 

The days were getting longer so I took to taking evening walks around the school corridors, overlooking the grounds, watching the sun set behind Hagrid's cabin. It was a good time to get away from the hustle of the common room and have some time to myself.

I was watching one particularly beautiful sunset when my eyes fell on the Quidditch pitch where just one person was swooping in and out of the hoops. It was oddly satisfying; I used to watch Harry's practices until the weather became too unbearable but I missed the flying. I was by no means Harry standard but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

I headed out of the building and trudged towards the Quidditch pitch, illuminated by the golden sunset. Maybe I'll stop by on the way to say hi to Hagrid. 

Malfoy POV

It was nice to have some time to myself for once as I swept through the hoops, doing a couple of back flips as I did so. Quidditch was over for the year anyway but it was a shame I didn't have an audience anymore.

Having said that I spotted a figure walking down towards the stands; I didn't recognise them immediately until they started waving and I saw it was Cassie. I hadn't spoken to her properly since our detention, apart from in class, stopping mainly because we both received judgmental looks. Nonetheless I flew down to say hi; she looked nice tonight, her face glowing in the setting sun.

"Hi," she said brightly, "You practicing?"

I shrugged, "Not particularly-just needed some time alone, you?"

"Same," she smiled, "I'm going to see Hagrid."

I was still not entirely over the fact the Hippogriff had escaped but after several stern conversations with Cassie, I'd gradually accepted that perhaps I overreacted so I refrained from making a comment.

She seemed to be thinking along similar lines, "I'm impressed!" she commented, "No scathing remark?"

"Just this once," I replied, "Best not mention it to anyone."

She laughed, "Don't worry, I'll be sure not to let anyone know of your kind and compassionate nature."

I couldn't help laughing; those words just didn't sound right. She shook her head bemused, "I'll see you in class," she waved and crossed the pitch and down towards Hagrid. I flew up to the top and watched her breeze down the steps, careful to avoid the loose ones.

I suddenly felt a chill spread over me; a horribly familiar sensation spread from the top of my head to my toes, numbing me and sending a shiver down my spine. I turned to see a couple of Dementors gliding beneath me, their long black cloaks rippling behind them. Evidently the Ministry had not got rid of them yet. I flew higher in an attempt to get away from them but looked down in horror to see all three heading straight towards Cassie's retreating back.

"Cassie!" I yelled, "Look out!"

It was too late. As she turned, the look of horror spread across her face just as one of the Dementors swooped in over her, knocking her to the floor.

I pointed my broom downwards and began speeding towards her, trying to ignore the crippling cold and misery beginning to spread over me. They weren't allowed to perform the Kiss on her but she could still get pretty badly hurt if she stayed exposed too long. As I neared her, a flash of bright white light came from nowhere and a Patronus began galloping towards the Dementors. As they begun to back off, I took the opportunity to sweep in and grab her off the floor and put her on my broom. Thankfully she was conscious and able to hold on, gripping me tightly as I flew us up back towards the safety of the Quidditch pitch.

As we reached a safe height, I paused and we both looked down to see Professor Snape hurrying across the grounds, warding the Dementors back towards the exits. Eventually he looked up and gestured he come down which I obeyed, pointing the broom down and landing neatly beside him.

He seemed pretty furious, "What are the two of you doing out after hours?"

Neither of us answered and he waved his hand, "No matter, go and wait by the Entrance. I will join you in a minute."

We trooped back towards the Entrance and took a seat overlooking the grounds, watching Snape send more Patronuses until the Dementors were out of sight and he turned back towards the castle and sent one more towards Dumbledore's office, presumably to let him know what had just occurred.

Cassie was surprisingly quiet, she still looked a little shaken about the whole thing but eventually she was the first to speak, "Thanks," she muttered, not quite looking at me, "You saved me."

"Technically it was Snape," I pointed out, "But hell yeah I did."

She smiled weakly, "Damn now I'm indebted to you..."

"Hell yeah you are," I smirked, "This is gonna be fun Cassie."

"I look forward to it," she replied smiling properly now and I knew she was back to normal; just in time for Snape to come breezing up the front steps, his black robes billowing behind him.

"Right," he said furiously, "You were both very lucky not to have been seriously hurt; Miss Potter it was incredibly irresponsible for you to still be wandering the grounds after Mr Black's escape."

I shot her a glance but she merely raised her eyebrows, evidently not concerned.

"And Mr Malfoy," he rounded on me, "You should have immediately come to the castle to fetch help, not attempt to intervene unless it is safe to do so and as far as I am aware, you can not yet produce a Patronus."

"All's well that ends well?" I suggested unhelpfully, for once quite enjoying the look of frustration on his face.

"Miss Potter, get yourself to the hospital wing and ask Madam Pomfrey to check you out," he instructed her, his eyes still boring into mine, "Professor McGonagal can deal with your punishment tomorrow."

"Cheers Sir," she sighed rather cheerfully, hopping off the seat, "See you in class Draco."

"Bye," I called after her retreating back, and also hopped off the seat but Snape stopped me, "What?"

"You know what," he hissed, "You're still hanging out with that Potter girl?"

"Not this again," I sighed, "You're surprisingly obsessed with her for a teacher aren't you Sir?"

"How do you think your father would react if he knew you two were friends?" he asked and my eyes hardened, "Well he won't know unless you tell him, will he?"

"I have attempted to warn you of the trouble she will bring you Draco," he continued, "I would suggest you take this seriously."

"What are you going to do?" I scoffed, "Punish me?"

He paused, "You know as well as I do that I wouldn't do that. Just take it from me."

I shook my head, "Sorry Sir, you're just making me more curious if anything...I was never bothered before but now I wanna know exactly why you think she's such a danger to me."

He paused again, not quite meeting my eye but rather glancing ahead where Cassie's red hair had just whipped round the corner as she headed towards the hospital wing.

"She just will," he said firmly still staring ahead, his eyes a little hazy, "She will."

I frowned, seriously confused as he eventually took his hand off my shoulder, "Just go," he said quietly, "I need to speak to Professor Dumbledore."

He swept past me, leaving me incredibly confused; what exactly did Cassie have that was such a danger to me? 

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