The Quidditch World Cup

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Cassie POV

"Are you sure I can't persuade you to come?" I asked Lupin as I packed my bag, "I'm sure Mr Weasley wouldn't mind."

He smiled wanly across the table, "It's fine," he assured me, "Plus it's full moon tomorrow,"

"Oh god I forgot," I whipped round to the calendar and saw he was right. A threatening thunder cloud was roaring around tomorrow's date which Lupin had charmed to remind him, "Have you got your potion?"

He nodded, "The last from Dumbledore before I left," he sighed, pulling it out of his briefcase and sniffing it grimly.

"It's a shame," I smiled a little, "Could've been fun,"

"Yep," he agreed, "But it's far too risky, all those people camping everywhere. I won't risk it." He glanced at the clock, "Get to bed young lady, you're getting to the Weasleys' for 4am tomorrow."

"How am I getting there?" I asked alarmed at the unnaturally early start.

"Floo Powder," he answered, "Managed to arrange it."

"Thanks Remus," I said gratefully and headed to my small room next to the kitchen. I liked Lupin very much but seven weeks without my friends had been a little too long.

It felt like barely an hour before my charmed alarm clock began shrieking, hopping off my nightstand and tickling my feet.
"Get off!" I moaned, I'd never forgiven Lupin for buying it for me as a joke present.
I managed to drag myself out of bed and wished Lupin goodbye. I always felt bad leaving him behind, he didn't have many friends at the moment.
"Have fun," he smiled as I stepped into the tiny fireplace, "You'll love it"
"Bye," I smiled back and threw the powder down, "The Burrow!"
Once the sickening clouds had subsided I opened my eyes in the Weasleys large fireplace looking at all of them, ready and packed to go.
"Hello Cassie," Arthur stepped forward and helped me out, "Good timing, we're just about to leave."
We headed up the hill towards the assigned Portkey, bumping into Amos Diggory and his son Cedric on the way. He was so good looking, I'd always thought so and thus I decided to stroll beside him towards the Portkey.

Once we arrived at the campsite and we'd eaten and got the fire going, I settled down for a nap before being shaken awake rather vigorously by Fred and George to head towards the stadium.

Yawning I followed them up never ending stairs towards the top box.
"How far does this thing go dad?" Ron exclaimed as we reached a resting platform.

"Well put it this way," came a familiar drawl, "If it rains, you'll be the first to know."

We all turned and looked down and saw Lucias Malfoy strolling coolly underneath us accompanied by Malfoy. I felt Harry tense next to me but I nudged him, "Let me deal with this," I muttered. I'd been told many times about the scrap between Mr Weasley and Mr Malfoy two years ago.

"Oh hi there!" I said brightly waving down, "Long time no see Draco!"

He looked up at me wanly and looked like he was about to say something but immediately recoiled at the look on his dads face.

"You're not still hanging around this blood traitor are you?" He hissed, loudly enough for everyone to hear.

"And you must be Draco's dad!" I exclaimed, "Pleasure to meet you." I leant over the railings my hands outstretched.

His lip curled, "Pleasure's all yours," he answered shortly, "I don't shake your kind's hand."

"Charming!" I remarked, returning my hand back to the railings, "Guess I'll see you at school Draco."

I turned to join the rest but felt the thump of Mr Malfoy's cane hit the back of my arm, holding me back and forcing me to turn back around.

"Can I help you?" I asked scathingly as Draco stepped forward,
"Dad c'mon now don't touch her," but Mr Malfoy held his hand up,
"Silence Draco." pushing him back so he recoiled backwards, looking up at me slightly apologetically.

"Now you listen to me," Mr Malfoy spat, "You are not to go near my son anymore. I don't want you anywhere near him at school."

"Hmm." I replied thoughtfully, "I'm sure the fact we share all our classes may make that a little difficult."

Rather enjoying the fury exploding from his eyes I decided to add one more scoop, "Of course I guess that means our Hogsmeade dates to Madam Puddifoot have to be postponed too then."

Mr Malfoy attempted to lurch at me again but Draco stepped forward, "Dad it's not worth it," he muttered as Arthur placed a hand protectively on my shoulder.

"Enjoy the match Mr Malfoy," I laughed coolly turning my back on them as we headed back up the stairs, turning back to wink at Draco who I could've sworn gave me a wry smile behind his dad's back.

"You gotta be careful Cassie!" hissed Hermione as we headed further up, "You don't want to get on the wrong side of Mr Malfoy!"
"Chill Hermione it's just a bit of fun." I replied, "Let's just enjoy the match,"

We did enjoy it. And all to soon we had to head back to the campsite. However we were rocked by a sudden disturbance outside and emerged from the tents to find some sort of terrorist attack taking place, evidently by some bored Death Eaters.
I'd lost everyone bar Harry, Ron and Hermione so we headed towards the woods to see if we could find the rest.
I spotted Malfoy leaning against a tree, evidently waiting for his parents. Harry was obviously thinking along the same lines.

"Is that your dad out there Malfoy?" he yelled accusingly over the noise.

His face hardened, "Careful Potter or they'll come after you and Granger too."

"Ugh come on," said Hermione grabbing Harry and Ron's hands and dragging them towards the woods.

"Ooh I wouldn't go in there if I were you!" he called; they ignored him and stalked on  but I hung back suspiciously.

"Draco?" I got his attention and he looked up, "What's happening?"

He opened his mouth but seemed to change his mind and just shrugged, "I don't know."

I stepped forward and grabbed him roughly by the shoulders, taking him by surprise, "Look." I said my voice dangerously low, "I know your dad doesn't respect me. But I thought you did. So if you can tell me how we can avoid him right now, I'd appreciate it."

He hesitated but didn't say anything so I let go shaking my head in disgust, ready to turn back to the others.

"Wait!" he called and I turned back around, he was walking towards me and awkwardly grabbed my arm.

He swallowed, "Don't go to the woods." He said, "Just go. Get out. And take Granger with you."

I nodded somewhat gratefully, "Thanks," I replied, turning back to catch up with the others, "See you in September."

I managed to catch up to the others ready to explain we needed to turn back, but not quick enough before a Dark Mark was expelled into the air, hanging over our shocked faces.

I turned back in amazement and Draco had gone. But he'd been telling the truth. He had tried to save us.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now