In it Together

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Cassie POV

I heard a dramatic groan next to me and saw Malfoy looking up at me, perpetual fear in his eyes.

"Wait until my father hears about this," I heard him mutter, brushing his robes off.

"Oh shut up," I snapped, "I'll even give you your wand back if you behave."

He scoffed, "Like I'm gonna take orders from a blood traitor."

I whipped round pressing my wand against his chest. He stepped back slightly, staggering in surprise as I jabbed it slightly harder into his chest.

"Now you listen to me," I said in a deadly voice, "I'm stuck with you, you're stuck with me and I'm not thrilled about it but right now I'm your best chance at getting out of here alive so cut the crap for a minute and show me some respect. We're in this together, whether you like it or not." I looked him up and down, "And trust me, you weren't my first choice either."

He sighed, "Fine," he muttered, "I'll be nice I guess-just get us out of here." He swallowed, "Please?"

I laughed and threw him back his wand, "You might need this, come on."

We traipsed through the undergrowth; it really was quite beautiful if it wasn't such a bizarre situation and neither of us had a clue where we were or how to get back to Hogwarts. 

"I don't think we're on Hogwarts grounds anymore," I said examining a plant which very much resembled a face but with grey strings floating off the end. It reminded me strongly of Dumbledore's beard.

"Well duh," replied Malfoy, flicking his blond hair out of his eyes, "We fell though the ground."

"Cheers Professor," I rolled my eyes, "Look, I'm sorry I got us in here but I'll get us out."

"Yeah you'd better," he replied, "My father won't be happy if his son is missing."

"Oh please shut up about your dad," I began to lose my temper now, "And don't remind me that I don't have one!" I added as he opened his mouth. He closed it again, looking sheepish.

I shook my head, "What's the obsession anyway?" I asked, "I've seen your dad; I've seen how he treats people, seen how he treats you."

"What's your point?" he said rather sharply, taking me slightly by surprise.

"I just meant," I continued, "Why do you put up with it? I've seen him push you, order you around, call you names, teaches you to hate Muggleborns-I wouldn't be so proud to call him my father if I were you-"

"Just shut up!" he snapped suddenly and I shut my mouth. Maybe I'd pushed that one too far. He glared at me then strode past, knocking me rather hard as he breezed past.

"Shit," I muttered and followed him storming through the undergrowth towards a patch of grass. "Draco!" I called, "I'm sorry!"

He whipped round, still glaring but looking more upset than angry, "No-one calls me Draco except my Dad."

"Oh," I said, "Is that a problem?"

He shrugged his shoulders and looked at me questioningly.

"I'm sorry," I admitted, deciding it better to fess up, "I pushed that one too far."

"You think it's easy having a dad whose always telling you you're useless and that I don't live up to the family name?" he demanded and I suddenly realised why he was always so awful to Muggleborns. If it kept you in your dad's good books, even I might be tempted.

"Look," I said sitting on a nearby stone gesturing he join me; he hesitated but lowered himself warily, "You don't have to judge everyone on their blood status just because he says so-surely Hermione Granger is case-in-point of Muggleborns being just as capable."
"You don't understand," he said, "I can't JUST stop; I'll get completely disowned."

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now