Detention with Draco

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Cassie POV

I left Lupin's office blinking back tears. I'd spent a good few hours there; just missing him. I thought about how awful it was that he had now been discovered and he'd be open to even more ridicule. I soon realised it was time for my detention and I headed towards the dungeons, where Professor McGonagal had for some reason decided, was the most appropriate place to sew new robes.

I walked in to find Malfoy already there, sitting with his arms crossed opposite a gleefully looking Filch.
"Ah there you are, " he grinned rather horribly and threw a pile of material at me, "These are your materials-the instructions are there. I have some other things to attend to."
Cackling he left the dungeon and we heard the distinct click of him locking it behind him.
"Great," remarked Malfoy, "Stuck together again,"
"Hmm," I sniffed, not really in the mood to talk and busied myself measuring my arms. It must be so difficult for Muggles to fit clothes, doing it all by hand.
Malfoy was watching me, "Is um...Professor Lupin still here?"
"No," I said shortly and looked at him, "I don't wanna hear it OK?"
"I wasn't actually," he said hurriedly, "I just see what you mean now-that's one big old secret."
I raised my eyebrows, "Could say that..."
"Aren't you worried the other kids will take the piss?" he asked.
"Nah," I shook my head, "They already did about my famous brother and the fact I'm not special in any way so I'm used to it. Anyway," I looked back up at him, "Let's just get my robes done."
He began cutting the robes to the appropriate length but I swore I heard him mutter under his breath, "Potter ain't that special anyway..."

When I was finally able to return to the Gryffindor common room I was surprised to be greeted with cheers, mainly from Fred and George's corner.
"Yes! There she is!" called Fred, "Nice one Cassie! Even we've never managed to bunk off that long!"
I smiled, "Why thank you," I took a mock bow and they laughed.
"Teach us would you?" asked George but I shook my head,
"Sorry boys, can't have you stealing my title."
"Fair enough," they grinned and I made my way over to Harry who was sitting with Ron and Hermione, buried over what looked like a letter. He looked pleased to see me.
"Hey Cassie!" he smiled, "Good to see you! What was it like being stuck with Malfoy for so long?"
"Interesting," I replied sinking into a nearby chair, "I've just spent another two hours with him in detention."
"Unlucky," Ron wrinkled his nose, "Think I'd probably have killed him,"
"He's not that bad actually," I said and was immediately fixed with their three surprised faces, "He's gotten nicer!"
"Weird," frowned Harry, "What does he want?"
"Nothing!" I said defensively, "Can people not change?"
"Hmm but Malfoy?" said Hermione sceptically, "I'd be careful Cassie."
"You sound like Lupin," I muttered
"He's right," she said sternly, "You can do better than a friend like that."
"Oh like he's one to talk!" I snapped; Between Lupin's hurried words and a brief encounter with Dumbledore, I'd managed to piece together the events of last night including the exact truth about Peter Pettigrew.
"He's older," she replied, "He's learnt from his mistakes."
"Well then why don't you let me make my own?" I said crossly, "Least Draco doesn't judge me for every decision I choose to make."
I got up and stomped towards the girls dorms without another word, narrowly avoiding a Filibuster firework thrown by Fred. I was sick of being told what to do all the time. I'd stuck to all Dumbledore's stupid rules for eleven years, stuck to friends within my own house as Ron has always advised me and even picked all the same subjects as my mum so I could provide all their old friends with nothing but nostalgia. People seemed to forget I was my own person. Not just Harry's sister. Not just the unimportant one who had Lily's hair. Not just the one with absolutely no special powers whatsoever. But I had my own personality and didn't want to constantly be compared to my family. Was it any wonder I kept breaking school rules? If I can't break the status quo, I gotta break something.
It was true that Malfoy judged me for my heritage when he first met me but those hours together seemed to have mellowed him a little. I wasn't expecting much but he appeared to have a little more newfound respect for me. Perhaps he actually saw that I was nothing like my family. And it made him hotter for it.
Maybe I should achieve something of my own I mused. I bet no Gryffindor has ever kissed a Slytherin...

Malfoy POV

I traipsed back to the Slytherin common room, rubbing my sore fingers on my robes; making them by hand seemed to be surprisingly painful. Normally I'd write a letter to my father, complaining but something stopped me. Firstly my hands were too sore to write and secondly I couldn't help seeing Cassie's disapproving face in front of eyes.
Go away, I muttered, I don't need you here. I wasn't entirely sure what I thought of her. I thought she was pretentious and annoying like her brother, or righteous and holier-than-thou like her friends but she wasn't. She was tough, not afraid to stand up to me or take shit from me or anyone else for that matter. And instead of simply retaliating she tried to make me see what I'd said was wrong. Maybe I'll stop calling her a Blood Traitor. Doesn't mean her friends get a pass though.
I guess she was pretty fit. Not that had had anything to do with it. There were plenty of fit girls in Slyther-actually no, there weren't. They're all too scary.
Hmm I thought harder, maybe I can tolerate her for now. Seeing as she did get us out of the portal alive. But that didn't mean we had to be proper friends.
"Draco?" I heard a voice behind me and turned to find Snape sweeping towards me, "Better hurry to the common room, don't want to be caught out at this time."
"I'm just coming back from my detention sir," I explained, "We had to sew new robes for Potter."
He narrowed his eyes, "Miss Potter? More time with her?"
I raised my eyebrows, "I know right."
"Draco you must tread carefully," he said suddenly changing his tone, "She could get you into trouble."
"Think she's done plenty of that already," I replied waving my sore fingers, "Still she got us out."
"Listen to me," he hissed suddenly grabbing me by the shoulders, "You mustn't get attached!" I was so surprised I could barely answer. Why was he so angry about this?
"Don't worry Sir, I'm not attached in the slightest. Why?"
He didn't reply for a bit, "Just trust me," he said angrily, "She'll only bring you trouble."
I frowned as he retreated, his black robes swishing behind him. It wasn't until I got to the common room that I realised; he wasn't angry. He was upset. Still, wasn't anything to do with me. I had my own name to make. Plus, warning me about her only made me more curious about her.
Damn, I thought, I'm gonna be the first Slytherin to befriend a Gryffindor.
Little did I know then, I most certainly wasn't...

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now