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Cassie POV

The last days of the holiday crept by. I was just too keen to return to Hogwarts. Although the Weasleys were lovely, I wasn't entirely convinced the World Cup had brought Harry and I any closer but we certainly had a good time.

Upon arriving I was mildly hopeful to see Malfoy again despite being nervous to come face to face with him again since the World Cup. I was surprisingly disappointed to receive my timetable and see that Malfoy and I were no longer sharing every class and Ancient Runes was now moved to the end of the week. 

However I ran into him on the second day in the corridor as I hurried along to lunch, my last lesson having overran severely because Professor Binns fell asleep halfway through. He was standing in the Entrance Hall pulling a letter off a handsome eagle owl which departed a second later. 

"Hey!" I called brightly and he turned to face me. I couldn't tell if he was pleased to see me or not. He began fiddling with the parchment in his hands.

"Whose that from?" I asked

"My dad," he replied shortly, stuffing it in his robes.

"Oh..." I said awkwardly, "Sorry if I um...embarrassed you in front of him."

He waved his hands, "It's fine," he answered, "He had it coming."

I looked at him surprised which he evidently clocked, "He's beginning to do my head in," he explained taking the crumpled letter out, "No doubt this is another warning to stay away from you."

I raised my eyebrows, "Am I such a bad influence?"

He smiled, "Apparently," he replied, "And he's not the only one who thinks so too."

"So..." I decided to tread the water carefully, "You gonna listen?"

He shook his head, "Maybe last year," he admitted, "But I'm sick of being told what to do now."

"You and me both!" I pointed out, "I guess it's not too surprising that Hermione isn't your biggest fan though."

He shrugged, "I don't need her approval."

I mustered up the courage to ask a question which had been on my mind for a while, "So um Draco?" I asked tentatively and he looked up, "Are we friends?"

He was silent for a minute, "I guess so," he murmured, "Even if it just to wind up my father!"

I nodded approvingly, "I can roll with that..."

Classes really began getting underway, keeping me so busy I barely had time to see anyone let alone make time to try and "accidentally" bump into Draco. Not to mention the unexpected news that Harry had become Hogwarts champion, something it appeared neither of us had expected.

I was sat in the library completing my half of the Ancient Runes homework when Malfoy sat opposite me, "Hey," he greeted me, "I wanted to check we've done our bits right before the lesson."

"Don't trust me huh?" I smiled, not looking up from my parchment until I finished my sentence. I looked over to see him pull out a roll from his bag, brushing his robe to one side, revealing a "Potter Stinks" badge pinned to his front.

I raised my eyebrows, "Really Malfoy?!" I nodded at his front where it was now flashing between that and "Support Cedric Diggory".

 "Oh," he suddenly looked a bit embarrassed and didn't look me in the eye, "Sorry...I um couldn't resist."

I shook my head, "You know Harry and I have the same surname?"

"Oh yeah didn't you know this is actually directed at you?" he was smiling now so I knew he was joking.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now