End of Term

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Cassie POV

I slowly made my way back to the common room, chewing on the chocolate Madam Pomfrey had given me. My heart was racing; an effect she'd told me was fairly common post Dementor attack but I knew it wasn't that. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, I was beginning to like Malfoy more and more which I instinctively knew was not a good sign.

I climbed through the Portrait Hole and towards Dean and Seamus who were playing Exploding Snap by the fire; I spotted that Seamus' eyebrows were already singed. 

"Hey Cassie," said Dean smiling up at me, "Where have you been?"

I shrugged, "Oh you know," I flopped in nearby chair, "Had a run in with a couple of Dementors."

"Really?" he exclaimed, making Harry, Ron and Hermione look up; they were sitting only a table down.

I nodded grimly, "Had to be rescued by Malfoy and Snape."

Seamus laughed, "God I bet you loved that!"

I raised my eyebrows, "Could say that..."

"Malfoy saved you?" Ron repeated sounding hollow, "Blimey, you're indebted for life now."

"I know right," I sighed, "I'm already aware of that..."

"Still Malfoy doesn't normally save anyone but his own backside," said Seamus raising his eyebrows, "Reckon someone's got a little crush?"

I laughed out loud, "Malfoy?! I doubt it, we're friends now remember."

"He doesn't have friends," said Dean, "Just followers."

"Well I'm not," I said dubiously-or was I?

"Exactly," said Harry grinning, "So he definitely has a thing for you."

"Hmm..." I remained unconvinced, "Still, if it's true then this could be an awful lot of fun."

"You're not thinking of doing anything about it are you?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

"And what if I did?" I replied, slightly miffed at the tone of her question. 

"Because he's not a very nice person, to either you, your friends and your family," she pointed out, "I wouldn't want to associate with that."

"Well I already do," I answered, the firmness in my voice indicating she should drop it, "He's changing."

"Not to us he isn't," Ron pointed out, gesturing him, Harry and Hermione.

"Have any of you even tried to get to know him?" I snapped a little, "Or bothered to find out anything about him before simply dismissing him as an enemy?"

That shut them up and Harry and Ron shifted guiltily while Hermione haughtily returned to her work and Dean and Seamus each gave me an awkward smile.

"Thought not," I said sweeping up and heading up towards the girls dormitories, passing Fred and George who were throwing sparks at each other, trying to singe each other's hair.

I stopped, watching them wistfully. I often wished Harry and I could be just as close. So far we hadn't even spent a Christmas together. 

I sighed and headed back up, scooping up my fluffy black cat Cindy on the way. I needed a cuddle.

The end of term was rapidly approaching and everyone was discussing plans for the summer. There was an awful lot of discussion about the Quidditch World Cup taking place this year and it sounded like everyone was going. I hadn't got my hopes up; it would be incredibly unlikely Lupin could afford tickets.

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