A New Friend?

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Cassie POV

I was rudely awoken by Malfoy poking me in the side, "Oi Potter," he drawled, "Let's go find that bloody Elf and get out of here,"

"Alright alright," I mumbled, squinting in the harsh sunlight, "Someone's keen to get away from me."

"Is it that obvious?" he smiled, but I was still not entirely convinced he meant it. I sat up rubbing my back gingerly, "Blimey the ground was hard,"

"Tell me about it," he said disgustedly brushing at his robes, "I wanna get back."

"Same," I replied standing up, "Do you reckon they've noticed we're missing?"

He raised his eyebrows, "We've missed an entire morning of lessons by the time we get back, even if your so-called friends haven't reported you yet."

"Least they care enough," I answered, slightly miffed, "Crabbe and Goyle can hardly string a sentence together."

He opened his mouth to retort but before he could, we were interrupted by the reappearance of the Elf from last night.

"Oh thank god!" I breathed with relief, "Get us home please."

"Certainly," it replied haughtily, "Your robes were very comfortable Miss-you have my thanks."

I had nothing to reply to this; I was too cold to. "Come on then," instructed the Elf, "Stand next to each other."

We complied and stood side by side, stock still underneath a gap between two enormous pine trees.

"Hold hands," he ordered and we both threw him a disgusted look, "Do we have to?"
The Elf narrowed its eyes, "Yes you do," he said, "Or you may end up in different places."

I sighed, "Fine," I grabbed Malfoy's hand and held it tight. I felt him flinch but he didn't attempt to pull away.

"Very good," said the Elf, cracking into a toothless grin, "You's look quite sweet."

"Please don't," I said as Malfoy made an unidentifiable noise beside me.

"Right," said the Elf finally collecting himself, "I will open the portal; on my instruction you must jump at the exact right moment. Do not let go of each other on the other side until the Portal has fully closed. Understood?"

We nodded; I began feeling a little nervous but was determined not to show it. The Elf clicked it's fingers and a loud rumbling came from above us. Squinting, I looked up to see nothing but bright light raining down on me. I couldn't even see what was above so listened carefully until  I heard the, "And....JUMP!" from the Elf.

Without hesitating I leapt up, pulling Malfoy with me up into the white swirling mist. It was a far more vicious journey than the way down, mainly because we kept bumping into each other until we landed with a horrific bump on the forest floor. Well, it was horrific for him, not so much for me as I landed on him, significantly cushioning my fall. He wriggled but I held him down, "The Portal isn't shut yet," I yelled over the noise, looking round to see the white mist slowly descend and the ground pull back together until it was deathly silent. 

Slowly I slid off him and he leapt up brushing off his robes, "Cheers for that one Potter," he grumbled, "You're heavier than you look,"

"Oh thanks very much!" I leapt up too, "Did I or did I not get us out of here? Then I'd expect a little more gratitude please."

"Whatever..." he murmured but looked at me a little guiltily, "Come on, let's just get back to the castle."

We traipsed through the Forest in silence; until we reached the edge and saw the castle winking at us from the other sides of the grounds. I stopped so abruptly he collided straight into me.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now