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Cassie POV

Talk of the match continued to spread over the school for the next few days but having scraped the win, I was spared from what I imagined could be a ton of teasing. Also Ron's story about my imaginary Ravenclaw lover appeared to have done the trick too as the Gryffindor team appeared satisfied that I had played the match well without being distracted and finally addressed me directly in practise. 

I was surprised about how little my friends asked me about my secret "lover" but immensely relieved as they were smart-it wouldn't take them long to work it out. I wasn't entirely sure where Draco and I stood. We weren't in a relationship but we'd certainly moved away from the friendship staged. I decided not to dwell too much.

Instead I focused on the latest DA meeting; Harry was attempting to teach us Patronuses but I was struggling, my mind constantly wandering.

"Come on Cassie," he urged holding my wand arm aloft, "Just think of a really happy time. Something that generated a lot of strong emotions."

Bingo. My thoughts immediately moved to the first time with Draco in the ROR. Admittedly times after that had been better, but nothing can quite beat the strong emotions from the first time. I shut my eyes tightly as my mind lingered over this special, and quite dirty, time and whispered, "Expecto Patronum"

A beautiful lioness suddenly erupted from the end of my wand and charged around the room, so everyone craned to look as it shook its shaggy head and emitted one quiet roar before disappearing in a puff of white wisps.

"Wow!" breathed Harry, "That's a gorgeous Patronus!"

"Isn't it?" I replied impressed at my own abilities, "Was a good memory to be fair..."

"What was it?" he asked curiously but before I could reply a deathly silence fell over the room as the chandelier above us began to shake and a distant rumbling was tumbling ever closer. We all turned towards the door expectantly tense before an enormous bang blasted the room apart revealing Umbridge and a load of Slytherin cronies at the entrance.

"Run!" yelled Harry tugging my arm and the DA members dispersed in a number of different directions while I heard Umbridge ordering her followers to round as many of us up as they could.

I legged it down the Charms corridor having lost Harry, and no-one had followed me this way so I turned the corner and collided violently into someone who grabbed me triumphantly, "Got one!"

I recognised that voice and craned my head up slowly in horror into Malfoy's shocked face, "Oh shit it's you..." he breathed letting go of me and I wriggled away furiously, "Quick," he gestured over his shoulder, "Run-I won't tell."

"Oh really?" I breathed heavily, my voice shaking, "But you'll tell on Harry? Hermione? Ron? Fred? George?"

He opened his mouth but didn't say anything, looking increasingly uncomfortable and ashamed so I continued.

"I trusted you Draco," I felt my voice break slightly as I swallowed back tears, "I thought you'd changed...but you haven't. You volunteered for Umbridge?! The woman we've been talking shit about for months! And now what, you're going to just 'let me off' because we fucked a few times?"

"It's not like that," he finally said, sounding deflated, "My father made me join her-"

"Oh shut up!" I interrupted angrily, "When are you going to start making your own decisions? Or better still, take responsibility for them?"

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now