Our First Time ⚠️💦

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Warning: Lemon/smut/sex scene!! ⚠️

Cassie POV

I remained embarrassed for a couple of days over what had occurred in the Entrance Hall but didn't try to show it. Thankfully Ginny kept her word and simply raised her eyebrows more knowingly at mealtimes whenever she caught me staring at the Slytherin table too long.
Harry, Ron and Hermione had finally started talking to me again properly but Harry had plenty of his own problems to notice my growing infatuation for his nemesis.
I had also come to the realisation this was the last year of Ancient Runes with Malfoy as neither of us had an interest in pursuing it next year. So I had to make the most of our final year of working together. The first lesson was predictably tense though as I arrived with Hermione yet had to seat myself next to him, leading to a few uncomfortable minutes of silence.

"Good summer?" I muttered finally trying to break the awkwardness.

He raised his eyebrows, "Talking to me again?"

"As much as I can get away with," I replied gesturing to Hermione who was deep in her translations.

He looked bemused, "Since when have you listened to a word Granger says?"

Since I ended up at Order HQ was the honest answer but even I knew I couldn't say this so I shrugged, "I didn't want to get you in trouble with your dad."

"Oh," he sounded surprised, "Who are you and what have you done with Potter?"

"What do you mean?" I asked amused, my quill paused on my sentence.

"You're way more attractive when you don't listen to anyone," he mumbled looking back at the textbook, "Y'know the one who broke rules with me."

I was surprised; I never realised that my acting out had been so attractive. Although thinking about it, it had earned Fred and George's respect over the years.

I opened my mouth to reply but Professor Babbling interrupted, "Thats QUITE enough chatter over there," she said sternly, "Can't afford to miss anything in OWL year, you'll have to catch up outside of class."

I raised my eyebrows at Malfoy, "Guess I'll see you in the library then?"

"It's a date," he replied smirking, turning back to his notes.

The year which had begun pretty depressingly was made even worse by the appearance of new, and quite frankly useless, DADA teacher Professor Umbridge who had already given Harry and I detentions together, him for speaking out about Voldemort's return and me for backing him up. The only silver living of these harrowing and evil detentions were that Harry and I finally had some time alone to talk.
It seemed odd that for a pair of twins, one of whom was famous, were so distant. We had never even celebrated a birthday together.
But he was now secretly our new DADA teacher, practising once a week in the ROR, something which even I knew I had to keep from Malfoy.

Malfoy's POV

I was heading to the library to meet Cassie when I suddenly spotted a figure standing by the wall covered in all of Umbridge's decrees-there must be well over fifty by now. It wasn't until I drew closer that I realised it was Cassie. But it didn't look like her. She'd fully done herself up; the shortest black skirt barely over her arse, showing off her long legs on which she was wearing black stockings slipped into heels. A short glitter top stretched over her boobs showing off an impressive amount of cleavage and she'd put on way more make up than I'd ever seen her in before but not enough it changed her look completely. A sweep of black on her eyelids, a blush to the cheeks and a big shiny red smile which clashed beautifully with her red hair which she'd pulled back into the highest ponytail I've ever seen. From her smiley lips dangled an unmistakable Webbed Weed roll up and in her hand she held a hip flask. I had never seen her look sexier.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now