Let's Party

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Malfoy POV

Things were looking up now Cassie and I were friends again. I'd been an idiot and a coward to avoid her and I knew that now. But I also knew I was heading into dangerous territory. As she was getting older, she was turning into a right red-headed vixen. I hadn't noticed it so much before but particularly the Yule Ball had jolted the realisation into me. And I could not afford to like her any more than a friend. 

While I could remember what happened under the influence of Webbed Weed, I couldn't remember any fine details. I remember kissing her, her kissing me, her vanilla scent and her soft skin and thick hair, but was she any good? Was I any good? I had no idea. 

We hadn't spoken about it since Rita's article dropped. We had a mutual understanding to never mention it again and it was simply a mistake. But unfortunately it merely made  me more curious. 

Cassie POV

Things had been looking up since the Yule Ball. With so many different events happening that night, thankfully Rita's article had been put out of everyone's mind and people were perfectly friendly again.

This was confirmed the next day while I was waiting outside Potions. I was earlier than usual because  Harry was preoccupied with working on his egg clue leaving me with a slightly tense Ron and Hermione who I never fancy getting in the middle of. As I leaned against the cool stone dungeon wall I was once again faced with a smiling George Weasley,

"Heya Cassie," he grinned once he spotted me and bounded over, "You alright?"

"Fine thanks," I smiled back, but cautiously, he'd been just a little too friendly since the Yule Ball. I was starting to cast doubt on the whole "just friends" thing.

"Listen I was wondering," he lowered his voice a little, "Wanna come to a party tonight?"

"What party?" I asked curiously; parties were rarely thrown by anyone under fifth year, let alone being invited to one.

"Just some of the sixth year Slytherins," he shrugged, "But it's open to the whole of sixth year," when he saw me wrinkle my nose."

"I'll think about it," I said, "Not sure I really want to be around the sixth years."

"Bring your friends," he suggested, "More the merrier."

"OK," I agreed, "Room of Requirement?"

"That's the one!" he smiled as my classmates finally began to show up, "See you there."

He turned to walk back up the stairs, narrowly avoiding colliding with Malfoy who was stood coolly on bottom stair, "Careful Weasley," he said in a painfully sexy voice as George side-stepped him and hurried up the stairs. His eyes snapped onto mine and he raised his eyebrows, "Got yourself an invite Potter?"

"Apparently so," I nodded, "Nice of him."

"Mm-mm," he nodded back, smiling slightly, "He's obviously just trying to get in your pants."

I felt my cheeks redden a little, "Oh well," I tried to shrug it off, "That won't happen. He's...he's not really my type." I carefully avoided eye contact while saying this.

"Oh?" Malfoy sounded interested now, "So what is?"

"Cassie can you tell Ronald to stop being so immature?" Hermione's voice interrupted my thoughts as I looked up to see her and Ron push past Malfoy, both looking sour. I had to bite my lip to stop myself bursting out laughing.

"Guys," I said before he could reply, "Please stop. I've got something that'll cheer us up tonight."

"What?" grumbled Ron, still glowering at Hermione.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now