Bath Time 💦

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Cassie POV

I was furious with myself for sleeping with Malfoy again. I'd just made myself look weak again. I wasn't meant to like him. I was meant to make him beg for my forgiveness. I vowed to be stricter with myself.

It worked. Anytime I got a wink in the corridors I didn't return it, every sly look over the dinner table I ignored, every letter I got by owl with a time and place I didn't turn up to. Without Ancient Runes lessons anymore, he practically had no other chances to speak to me. I hated doing this. But I had to let him know who was boss.

I was so confused. How did he feel about me? Did he genuinely just see me as a shag and nothing else? How many times do you have to get intimate before you feel something towards someone? I knew how I felt. And I didn't like it. It was desperately frustrating. And I couldn't talk to anyone about it.

The lack of sex wasn't helping either. Having had regular sex for the last six months or so, it was quite a shift. I was convinced he was making himself look more attractive on purpose lately too. And it's not like I ever got time to myself in the dorms for some "alone time" anyway. With exams going on too, my mood was swinging heavily on a pendulum.

"I'm worried about you Cassie," said Hermione one evening after I'd raged particularly hard at one of my Charms notes for 'looking at me funny', "Is the exam stress getting to you?"

"You could say that," I muttered, scooping up my dropped papers and ignoring Ron and Harry's chuckles.

"I know the break up with George probably didn't help either," she continued sympathetically, "He could've at least waited till after exams..."

I bit my tongue to avoid saying something I shouldn't so simply shrugged in reply.

"Hey I know!" said Ron suddenly, "She needs a bath in the Prefects bathroom; that'll calm her down!"

"Good idea Ron!" said Hermione impressed, "You've never been in there Cassie, you'll love it."

Once again I bit my tongue as I had very much been in there before and I did indeed love it.

"Go now, it won't be busy," suggested Hermione, "Password is 'Aloe Vera'"

"Cheers," I said gratefully and headed off towards the Portrait Hole and towards the bathroom before anyone could stop me.

The bath was enormous. Swimming pool sized and as I turned the taps on I was impressed at the size of the bubbles pouring out. I'd never bathed much. The dorm bathrooms only carried showers and Lupin's bath was nothing more than a small tub. This looked heavenly.

I peeled my clothes off and sank down into the warm water, lapping between my legs. It felt amazing swimming naked. So freeing and I could feel all my curves as I ran my hands up and down my skin. This was definitely one of Ron's better ideas.

It was surprisingly sensual bobbing around naked: I could feel my breasts floating in the water, the water lapping between my legs, my skin smooth and warm. I leant back on the side of the wall, watching my breasts bob in the water. They'd definitely grown in the last year. They weren't enormous but I could certainly show off some cleavage if I wanted to.
I suddenly realised I was alone. And naked. It was now or never.

My fingers slowly crept down towards my vagina until I found my clit and slowly began rubbing it, my eyes closing as the heat of the water came over me.

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now