I Hate You 😈💦

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⚠️Mature Themes-rougher than previous so be advised  ⚠️

Cassie POV

I stormed back to the common room seething. I hated this feeling more than being confused. Why did it bother me so much anyway? I always knew I couldn't like him, it was never an option. Friends with benefits. I'd committed to it. Maybe that was why. And yet knowing he was back with Pansy made me feel sick.

I shoved my way through the Portrait Hole, slamming the door behind me.

"Woah," a familiar voice said, "You ok?"

I looked over at the fire to see only Harry sat there alone, also looking deep in thought.

"Oh hi," I said surprised, walking over and sitting opposite him, "You're up late."

"Yeah everyone else went to bed," he suddenly grinned, "You've just missed Cormac, he's been asking about you."

"Oh god," I groaned, "I'm never getting rid of him am i?"

"Not easily," he replied then his eyes traveled down me, "Why you wet?" He asked amused, gesturing my soaking clothes.

"Oh," I rolled my eyes, "Malfoy pushed me in the Lake."

"I know," he smiled shyly, gesturing to the table where I recognised the Marauders Map lying there, "I was gonna follow him but then I saw you with him. Decided best not to."

"Good decision," I replied sitting by the fire to dry my clothes.

"Cmon Cass," he asked, "You were with him for ages, did you find anything out?"

"I don't know Harry," I said shortly, "We had a bit of a tiff actually."

"Oh?" He sounded surprised, "About what?"

I sighed, "Doesn't matter," I muttered, "He's a prick."

"I could've told you that," he answered with what I'm sure was a smirk on his face.

Rolling my eyes again I turned back to face him, "Anyway," I continued, "I saw him talking to someone at the Lake. But they ran away when I got there."

"Hmm," Harry frowned leaning back in thought, "Interesting..."

I wasn't sure where Harry's new found obsession for Draco had come from but I didn't question it. Meant he couldn't tease me anymore.

"Anyway," he snapped out of his torpor, "Why you looking so angry?"

My turn to sigh, "I don't know Harry," I breathed deeply, "I just...ugh I hate him!"

"No you don't," he replied simply, raising his eyebrows at my indignant expression, "C'mon Cass even I don't hate him."

"Then why do I feel like I do?" I seethed, "I'm just so angry..."

"Because he's hurt you," he said shortly, "And it hurts most from people we care about."

He was right of course and I temporarily lapsed into silence . Harry nodded satisfied, "Want me to hex him for you?"

I smiled, "No thanks," I declined, "I can do that myself..."

"Oh I know," said Harry yawning getting to his feet, "You need sleep Cass, cmon."

"Yeah....just a sec," I said needing a minute to myself, "Night Harry."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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