So Lets Talk About Last Night

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Cassie POV

I was rudely awoken by a sharp prodding in my side.
"Ow Hermione." I moaned automatically, "I'm coming."
"Hello Cassie?" a deeper voice hissed which clearly wasn't Hermione. I opened my eyes slowly, feeling the after-effects of the Webbed Weed; a killer headache. I rubbed my eyes groaning and looked into the eyes of Cedric Diggory leaning over me.
"Cedric?" I asked insanely confused then looked aside to see Malfoy and I were still sitting on the steps outside. The sun was beginning to rise and the air was cold and damp.
"I'm on early morning prefect duties," he explained, "You been here all night?"
" don't know," I stumbled over my words, genuinely confused.
"Webbed Weed was it?" he nodded knowingly, "Pumpkin juice normally does the trick."
"Th-thanks," I stuttered as he turned to shake Malfoy awake.
"Best get to your dorm," Cedric advised, "Or I'll have to report you." He winked and I scrambled to my feet before Draco could wake up.
I've never run back to my dormitory faster, my heart pounding in my chest. I collapsed into my bed breathing heavily, my heart beating so fast it nearly burst out of my chest. What the hell happened last night?

Malfoy POV

I hurried back to my dorm in a daze. I'd caught a glimpse of Cassie heading up the stairs once Diggory had woken me. My memory of last night was pretty hazy-but I knew what happened. I knew what I did. What we did. How in the hell did I allow myself to make out with her? I knew why. Webbed Weed.
I lay in my bed, my head pounding out of my skull  but I couldn't sleep. I felt guilt creeping over my body like a dirty rash. No one could ever find out about this.

Cassie POV

What felt like merely an hour later I was actually being woken by Hermione who was already dressed. She frowned down at me. I'd forgotten I was still wearing last nights robes.
"You look rough." She commented, "Want breakfast?"
I shook my head vigorously. Downside of Webbed Weed was intense nausea. I knew Madam Pomfrey could sort me in a second but I didn't want to get in trouble-it was a banned substance in Hogwarts.
"Nothing?" She asked concerned, "You feeling nervous for the dual today?"
My blood drained my face and I went numb with shock. I'd completely forgotten the dual was today. I had to face Malfoy in five hours. After everything that happened last night.
"Excuse me," I leapt off my bed and ran to the bathroom. Now I knew I was going to be sick.

Hermione still insisted on taking me to Madam Pomfrey despite my protests. Thankfully she didn't ask any questions but shook her head with a knowing look in her eyes and made me swallow a disgusting tasting liquid. I grimaced but forced it down. I was sure she could've sorted me with a wave of her wand but this seemed a more suitable punishment.
"Now go and get some pumpkin juice," she instructed us and Hermione nodded, taking me by the hand and out of the hospital wing, just passing an equally rough looking Malfoy on his way in. We each exchanged a horrified look but looked away extremely quickly. Hermione didn't appear to have noticed but despite Madam Pomfrey's remedies I still felt uneasy. Had Malfoy and I ruined our already fragile friendship?

I dragged myself into that afternoon's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with an intense feeling of dread. The only other person who looked equally as unimpressed was Malfoy as we both slumped in.
"You two look a little rough," commented Moody limping over, "You up for a dual?"
"No," I mumbled quietly, praying this was my way out. I didn't particularly fancy looking Malfoy dead in the eye for the next hour. Especially as it was our weekly library meet up this evening.
"She's not well Sir," Hermione chipped in rubbing my back in what I guessed was a sympathetic manner.
"Yeah...neither," muttered Malfoy not looking up from his desk.
"Dear oh dear who spiked your Pumpkin juice this morning?" Moody shook his head at us both, "Well you can't dual in this state."
"Oh what!" said Crabbe disappointed, "You've got to make them-I've been looking forward to this all week!"
There was an outbreak of similar muttering around the class-I looked over at Hermione helplessly. She got it, "I'll step in," she said drawing her wand, "I'll be Cassie."
"Then I'll be Malfoy," smirked Crabbe and I breathed an immense sigh of relief. Plus Hermione wiped the floor with him.

I sat in the library flicking through my Runes translations. The potion finally seemed to be kicking in now and I could think clearer. It was hot and stuffy though with flies buzzing up and down, putting me off. I was half-expecting Malfoy not to turn up but finally I heard padding footsteps and I looked up to see him wandering over his head bowed.
He took his usual place opposite me and opened his parchment up, dipped his quill in the ink pot and began writing without looking up at me.
"Um Draco?" I asked tentatively, still watching him.
"Hmm?" he replied but his head remained bowed.
"Are we gonna talk about..." I tailed off slightly.
"Nope." he answered so shortly I had to bite my lip to stop myself laughing. Seeing him pretending like nothing had happened was surprisingly amusing.
"Ok," I said smiling returning to my translation, "I see, you don't want to talk to me."
"That's right," he answered quieter but I wasn't discouraged. I continued watching his eyes flick over the textbook pages and despite his dreadful handwriting, could see he wasn't getting so far.
"Which bit's mine?" he asked and I pointed to the bottom paragraph. It was by far the hardest part and judging by his expression he realised it. Still, he remained quiet.
I resumed my own translation but kept one eye on him as he flicked through the pages.
Eventually he threw his quill down, "Ok ok you win, how do I do this bit?"
"That's better," I smiled putting my own quill down, "Can't cope without me huh?"
He smirked uncomfortably still not meeting my eye, "Maybe."
"Look Draco I'll do you a deal," I offered and he finally looked at me, "I'll do your whole translation if you talk to me about yesterday."
He furrowed his eyebrows, "You actually wanna be reminded?"
"Not especially," I continued swatting another fly, "Still, I'd like to remain friends-you?"
He shrugged, "I guess." He suddenly smiled, "Even if it just to do my translations."
"Happily." I said taking his parchment, "Guess we can just draw a line under yesterday and say that it was an unfortunate case of Webbed Weed."
He nodded vigorously, "Definitely." He agreed, "And we don't tell anyone?"
"Of course not!" I exclaimed, "The amount of stick we'll get! People will half expecting us to go to the Yule Ball together!"
He laughed again then furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait you're not seriously offering are you?"
I raised my eyebrows, "Really Malfoy?" I brushed another bug off the desk, "Jesus it's like a zoo in here. Maybe we'd be better off doing the translation tomorrow?"
"Yep." He agreed packing his stuff back up, "You got a date for the Yule Ball then?"
I laughed, "No, why you offering?"
He smiled again, "Can't." he declared, "My reputation would be in tatters"
"Ouch." I hit my hand dramatically against my chest, "That stung."
He shrugged, "I bet." He slung his books on his back, "See you tomorrow."
"Bye." I smiled watching after his retreating back as he marched out of the library. Everything was going to be ok. We could remain friends. No one was going to find out.

How wrong I was....

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now