Friends With...Benefits?

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Cassie POV

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the crushing pain of familiar hangover headache pounding between my ears.

"Ow." I moaned automatically and turned over and smacked straight into Malfoy's arm . Temporarily surprised I leapt up with a yelp, sending another wave of pain through my head.

"Shit," I moaned rubbing my temple and looking over at him. He was still fast asleep, the duvet only up to his waist so his bare chest was still exposed, his abs rippling up and down as he breathed.

Smiling I crept out of bed slowly, I didn't especially want to be discovered. For once I didn't want to talk to him about this. Not yet anyway. Plus I had more important things to do.

Most unfortunately the only clothes available was my shortest attire used merely, and successfully, for seduction but I wasn't in the mood to patrol the corridors in them. However as I stuck my head round the door cautiously, the early morning sun was just rising and the corridors deserted.

Breathing a sigh of relief I crept out and walked barefoot towards the hospital wing as I could not manage heels right now. Deeply ashamed I stepped through the doors, praying it wasn't busy. I was dressed perfectly for the walk of shame so thus didn't need anyone to recognise me.

Mercifully it was only one tiny second year who appeared to have sprouted devil horns and was fast asleep when I tiptoed in and towards Madam Pomfrey who was busy arranging her medication cabinet.

She raised her eyebrows at my attire as I slipped in, looking at the floor, "One night stand was it?" she asked smiling and I nodded feeling my cheeks flush.

"Protective charms used?" She asked hands on her hips and I shook my head.
"Not to worry," she said briskly handing me a bottle with a bright red pill in it, "Take this."

I swallowed the large pill and immediately felt my stomach contract and bubble like a potion was brewing inside it. I looked over alarmed but she nodded approvingly, "Yup that'll stop any accidents." She waved her wand over my stomach and the gurgling stopped, "But for the record," she said handing me a leaflet, "Protective spells for the next time, please."

"Of course," I murmured rubbing my sore head, "Any hangover cures?"

"Again?" She shook her head at me smiling widely but still handed me a vial containing a bright yellow liquid. Recognising it I grimaced so pinched my nose and gulped it down as quickly as possible.

"Sleep it off," she advised laughing at my gags, "You'll be fine in an hour or two."

"Thanks Ma'am," I said relieved I was now sorted and scooted out as quickly as I could, clutching the leaflet tight.

I had a flick through as I headed slowly towards Gryffindor tower; there was a variety of spells available from varying degrees of difficulty depending on how long you were expecting to take part, to potions recommended an hour in advance, but I knew those would only be available from Snape and I had absolutely no intention of asking him for sex advice.

"Cassie?" I jumped a mile as I entered the common room and was faced with the Weasley twins and Ginny, all up and dressed and looking at me, half confused, half amused.

"Oh morning guys," I said as casually as possible leaning on the fireplace as nonchalantly as possible, "You're up early..."

"As are you..." commented Fred who'd started grinning from ear to ear, "What have you been up to?"

"Oh you know," I said waving my hands vaguely in the air, "...studying?"

"What were you studying exactly?" asked Fred folding his arms clearly having the time of his life, "Anatomy?"

Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now