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🚨𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐🚨
    (R🚨pe) (Abuse)


"Come on Izu~"

"You admire me don't you?~"

Yes, that's why I trusted you.

"And I'm your mentor~"

"How about I teach you a few things~"

I don't want this!!
I don't want any of this!!

"N-No, I uhm I think I'm good Almight. "

"Awww don't you wanna help me out~"

His hands!
There all over me!
I can feel them!
I don't like this feeling, someone help please!!!

It burns!!
It fucking burns!!

•𝙀𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙚•

It took the freckled teen, a few moments to figure out where he was.
But once he realized he was in his room, he felt somewhat safer.
Up till he glanced at his Almight theme clock,


His emerald eyes started falling on everything Almight theme, and let me just say that was everywhere!!
The poor greenette no longer felt safe, he just felt like vomiting, and that he did.

He didn't even make it to his bathroom, he just ended up throwing up in his Almight theme trash can, which made the sickness worst once he noticed it.
How he had the stomach to throw up, he wasnt sure, after all he hadn't really eaten anything in a while.

One thing was for sure though, he needed a make-over..... well his room did anyway.

But first, he needed coffee.


"Fuck everyone, and everything."

The blonde grumbled, as he slid on a sweatshirt, trying his best to hide the bruises from his mother.
He was gonna go down stairs and get something to eat, and yes it's extremely late, but it's also a weekend and he didn't have any doubt in his mind some extras like the 'Baku-squad' as they call themselves would be up rather their playing video games in their rooms or down stairs watching movies.
Either way he wasn't taking chances.

Today, honestly was the complete worst, first his mother decided to send him a long ass text about how disappointed she is in him, especially since his grades aren't top A, and then he fucking slipped down the stairs.
Luckily no one was around to see, not to mention that damn nerd was acting completely different!
At first Katsuki assumed he took it to far with his yelling a couple weeks ago but the more he thought about it the more he realized just how distressed Izuku actually looked that night.
Hell his clothes weren't even on correctly!
And the way he sounded, usually he'd be jumping up and down from excitement to talk about Almight.
But the more Katsuki thought about it the more he realized just how terrified Midoriya had looked that night.

Did Almight say something?
Was he trying to take the freckled teens quirk away?
Or did he?
Katsuki, along with a couple of other people had noticed the fact that Midoriya refused to use his quirk during training.
Maybe it wasn't because he didn't want to, maybe he couldn't?
Had Almight really taken the one thing Izuku dreamed about for years??

"Tch, maybe I'm just over thin-"

Katsuki paused his whisper, once he noticed the exact boy he was thinking about in front of him, holding a coffee cup  awaiting for the coffee to be done brewing.

He had yet to notice Katsuki, and the blonde was  contemplating rather or not he should let himself be known?
Or should he just go back upstairs?
Maybe that was the best option.....

Then again..... Maybe this was the perfect time to figure out what's going on with him.
Though he couldn't just out right ask, he tried that earlier and that plan failed miserably.

"Evening nerd. "

Bakugo grumbled, sauntering his way to the fridge in hopes to find some ice cream, or something sweet along that line.

Though Midoriya completely ignoring his presence annoyed the fuck out of the blonde.

"Tsk, what are you doing up so late?"

"What are you doing up so late?"

Midoriya countered.
Pouring some coffee in his cup finally!!
The coffee machine took freaking ever, in Izuku's mind anyway.

"Tch, I'll only answer if you answer me. "

Bakugo bargained.

It indeed Intrigued the freckled teen, he had never heard the blonde sounded so.... sincere?
In away.

"You first. "

Izuku eventually answered, sipping some of his coffee afterwards.

"I.... Couldn't sleep, so I came down here for some ice cream."

"If there even is any. "

Katsuki mumbled that last part as he opened up the freezer.
To his luck there was some mint ice cream, though the more he thought about it he was like 90% sure that belonged to Izuku.

"Why couldn't you sleep?"

"Tch, yeah I'm not telling you that. "

"Now answer me. "

Katsuki ordered, pulling out the ice cream and showing it to Izuku, pretty much asking him if he can steal it with out asking.

And Midoriya knew very well he wouldn't be able to eat it, so he nodded his head before replying to the blonde's other question.

"I need to redo my room, and I couldn't sleep so now is a better time then ever. "

Katsuki raised an eyebrow at that.
He knew his room was filled with Almight merch, which only furthered his theory.
Did Almight really take Izuku's quirk away??
What kinda person would do that?
Give someone hope and then snatch it away like it was nothing.
One thing was for sure Katsuki was gonna kill that so called number one hero if he finds out his theory is true.

"Why are you remodeling your room?"

"Yeah, I'm not telling you that."

Izuku replied, with a slight smirk, since he used the blonde's words against him.


The blonde grumbled, opening up the containing and grabbing a spoon.
He was gonna enjoy this.

"Well since, I'm probably not gonna go to bed anytime soon, how about I fucking help?"

"It'll be done faster. "

Bakugo suggested, surprising the greenette.

"And why would you help me?"

Midoriya was suspicious, he didn't trust anyone any more, and that included his childhood friend.

"Because I know somethings fucking bothering you, and if remodeling your room is gonna help in some damn way, then so be it. "

Katsuki answer honestly, though he didn't understand why he was so honest about something like that.
He didn't want Izuku to believe he cared..... then again in some ways he did.
He just didn't want to admit it.

Midoriya thought about it for a moment, it would make the job easier and faster.
He needed all the Almight stuff gone as fast as possible.
And besides maybe with Katsuki around it might make the job easier and he may not feel as sick.

"O-Ok sure."

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