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   (talks about r•pe/Selfharm)

To say falling asleep was a breeze for the ash blonde, is an understatement.
He couldn't get what Midoriya had said in his sleep, out of his mind.
Did the previous number one hero, really force himself on to his successor?

Katsuki didn't want to believe it.
He couldn't.
But he knew he had to.
After all Izuku wouldn't lie about something so serious, and his..... previous hobbies here lately would explain a lot.
Not eating.
Self harming.
Isolating himself.
It made sense, and that hurt the blonde ever more.
Despite his cruel words, he cared for Midoriya, and he saw Almight as an idol..... but now all he could see was Izuku begging for the Blonde adult to stop, and asking him not to do this.
But Almight ignoring his pleads and doing whatever the hell he wanted.

Which only sent Bakugo on a war path.
He wanted to kill Yagi, worst then kill he wanted to brutality torture the other blonde so much, that he would be begging to be killed.
However Katsuki wouldn't allow him to have that satisfaction.

And that was what Bakugo's rest of the night consisted of, planning many, many, many ways on how he could torture that bastard.

He didn't even realize it was almost six, till his phone started going off.

He had forgotten to turn off his normal alarms.

He hurriedly turned it off, before he could wake up the peaceful greenette.
At least he hoped Izuku was having a peaceful sleep.
He didn't seem to be in distress, so that was good.

Katsuki laid back down for a good 30 minutes before deciding to get out of bed and get ready for the day.
He figured making some eggs and bacon for him and the freckle teen would be a good way to start the morning off.
For Izuku at least.


"Good morning Bakugo."

The Raven hair Insomniac greeted, as he watched the blonde come into the kitchen and pull out a pan.

Bakugo just sent a grunt his teacher's way, before getting into the fridge for some eggs.

Katsuki's gaze soon fell on the fresh pot of coffee that was behind Aizawa.

"Is that just for you?"

Aizawa glanced at the pot he had just made, figuring that's what he was asking about.


The Raven hair teach replied, making sure to pop that last letter, before continuing.

"I might let you have a glass, if you say please. "

"Tsk, I don't want it that bad. "

Bakugo grumbled, as he waiting for the pan to hear up.

"Oh come on.... "

"It's only one word. "

Shota teased, sipping on his cup of Joe.

"I don't fucking want it. "

"Damn didn't think the great Lord explosion murder couldn't say one word. "

The blonde wanted to yell at his teacher, but he didn't want to risk getting expelled.

"Please.... "

Katsuki finally whispered, he really needed to drink someone that can give him energy.
If he didn't, the chances of bin passing out was very high.

"That's better. "

The Raven hair teach, chuckled.

"Tch, whatever. "

The blonde decided to grab a cup after he was done with the freckle teen's and his plates.

"So did Midoriya eat last night?"

"Yes, I got him to eat a few bites."

"That's good. "
"I'm assuming one of these plates are his."


"Watch it. "
"I'll take my coffee and go. "

"Alright, alright jeez no need to threaten me. "


Despite how the night seemed to be going, Midoriya did end up falling asleep, and it was actually peaceful.
No more scary nightmares.

However when he woke up and realized katsuki was no longer in the same room as him.
Fear begun to crepe into his stomach.
If Bakugo wasn't around him, at all times what would stop Almight from taking advantage of the young once once again??

So he ran under the bed, and quietly begged Bakugo would hurry up with whatever he was doi-

Izuku stopped mid thought, someone was out side the door!!


𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓯 𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓐𝓵𝓶𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

'No..... it's not..... right?'

"Izu,you awake?"

Midoriya could feel himself breath again, it was Bakugo.

Thank god.


The ash blonde called out yet again, this time having a hint of worry.

"Ahh Kacchan!"

"I w-was just uhh.... "

𝓢𝓪𝔂 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓱𝓸𝓷𝓮.

"Picking up my phone. "

"I-Uh dropped it..... "

Bakugo gave the freckled teen an even more confused look then before.

"Your phone is right there on the night stand."

"It is?"

"Uhh I mean it is!!"

"Yeah, see I thought I dropped my phone.... so I went to pick it up but then I realized I didn't even grab my phone so haha. "


Katsuki wanted to make more comments on that obvious lie, but he decided to give the young one a break for now.
He figured the reason for him hiding under the bed had something to do with thy who shall not be named.

"Whatever you say nerd."

"Here I brought breakfast, but don't fucking worry your little brain about it. "

"Your portion is small, probably smaller then that grape fuck's dick."

"Eww Kacchan. "
"I don't wanna picture that pervs thingy!!"

Izuku whined trying to make any and all images disappear.

"Pff your fault for picturing it, now let's sit down I'll find us something to watch. "

Katsuki grumbled, sauntering over to his bed.

He was quite enjoying these small movie dates, him and Izuku was starting to ha-.... wait dates!?

Pff Bakugo didn't mean it like that.... he was just.... he meant... WHAT EVER HE MEANT HE DIDN'T MEAN DATE!!
THAT WAS JUST..... Just a minute thought that's all.

"What are we watching this time?"

Midoriya asked making himself comfortable all ready.

"Tch, it's a surprise. "

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