𝓕𝓸𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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The walk to the dorms was extremely quite.
Neither the blonde nor the greenette spoke.
Katsuki knew he'd have to admit to earliers incident but he was nervous..... scratch that he was scared.
What if he messed up Midoriya's and his relationship?
What if Izuku stops trusting him?
He didn't want the greenette to be mad at him all over again.... but keeping it a secret isn't the best idea either....


Bakugo snapped out of his worrisome mind, and hummed at the freckle teen letting him know he was listening.

"Are you alright?"

"You seem really quite... "

This was his chance.
He just needed to talk to him about it.
Communication is key right?
He just needed to open his mouth and let syllables roll off his tongue.

"I-..... "

"I made a mistake."

Now if anyone knew the blonde, they would tell you Bakugo Katsuki never makes mistake.
And if he did he would never admit to it.
His pride was to big, he'd of course try to fix whatever mistake he had done, but he'd never admit out loud that he messed up in the first place.
So to say the greenette was frozen with shock, is an understatement.
He was quite literally frozen with shock, stopped dead in his tracks looking straight into the Blonde's crimson eyes.

"W-Wha...... What di-did you do?"

The freckle teen cursed at himself for stuttering.
He wasn't necessarily scared, he was just nervous.
What could the blonde had done to make him guilty enough to admit on making a mistake?

"Please..... Please don't be mad."

Bakugo whispered, tears clouding his vision.
Why was he crying!?
Why was he this scared?
Izuku would never harm him, he was just scared that the greenette may lose his mind and try harming himself again..... or worst.
What if when Izuku finds out he tells the blonde he hates him, that he's the worst person in the world.
That he'll never trust him again?
Maybe he should just keep it to hims-

Before Katsuki was able to complete his train a thought, he felt strong arms wrap around his waist and was pulled into a tight hug.

"It's ok, kacchan. "
"Whatever you did, we'll get through it together. "

Izuku glanced around the two of them, realization dawning on him over the fact that there were people staring.

"Hey.... Let's get to my room and I'll make us some warm tea and then we can talk ok?"

Bakugo simply nodded his head, trying his best not to cry anymore then he already was.


"My mom always told me when someone's upset offer them some tea. "

"I have no idea why it has to be tea, maybe it's something about the scent that calms others down. "
"Or the warmth it provides."

"Either way when she'd give me tea, I always found my self feeling much calmer."

Izuku rambled, as he set the mint tea down in front of the quite blonde.

Katsuki wasn't use to crying as much as he has been here lately.
He felt like any time he was around the greenette his emotions seemed to be on over load.
He felt things 10x stronger then usual.
But then again that's always been like that.
Happiness even.
That was just how it was like for Katsuki and Izuku, the blonde couldn't hide any of his feelings, he could try of course but that always resulted in anger.

"Pff I think it just sounds like your mom was trying to get you to believe that. "
"So you'd calm the fuck down."
"You've always been a crybaby."

The blonde's voice sounded rough, and a bit scratchy.
Most likely because of the yelling he had done earlier when speaking to Almight.

"Yeah, well it only looks like one of us is crying at the moment."
"And it's not me. "

Midoriya teased, sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend.

"Pff, snarky little ass-hole."

The greenette laughed at Bakugo's remark, before getting serious again.

"Soooo are you gonna tell me what you did?"

Katsuki began to nibble on his bottom lip, a habit he knew he had told Izuku to stop doing but he did himself quite frequently.

"Before I tell you, I just want to let you know, you have my full fucking permission to hit me."
"Or punch me, or even kick me."
"Hell if you want to beat the fuck out of me, I understand completely. "

Izuku was speechless.
What in the world did Bakugo do!?

"I'm not hitting you kacchan."
"That's abusi-"

"I'm ok with it, I abused you for years so if you want to beat me this one time it's o-"


Bakugo couldn't see the line sadly.
The line where you shouldn't allow others to cross.
The way he saw it was if he deserved to be hit then so be it.
He never felt like he deserved his mother's abuse, but the bullying and ridicule Katsuki had subjected Izuku to, made him fully believe he deserved what ever hatred the greenette handed towards him.
And now he believed he deserved it even more.
He let the one thing Izuku trusted him not to share, out to the one men that did those horrible, terrible, despicable, things towards him.

However Midoriya knew better.
He knew that line.
He could see it as clear as day, always has.
He made sure, he did everything in his power not to become like his father.
Even allowing people to bully him, but never really fighting back.
Cause he was scared that he'd turn out just like him.

"I'm not gonna hit you Katsuki."
"I don't care what you did or said, just tell me and we'll figure it out ok?"

"Your the one that told me we need to talk things out better."

"Katsuki, my mom and dad had an abusive relationship."
"My mom believed she deserved it, and my dad made sure she kept that belief."

"It wasn't until he started beating me that my mom left."
"It took her son being harmed for her to work up the courage to leave. "
"She didn't care enough about herself, but she cared for me."

"Reminds me of you."

Bakugo mumbled.

"Cause she reminds me of you."

"And I don't like that."

"I don't want you believing you deserve every bad thing that happens, every abuse that comes your way. "

"Yeah you were an ass-hole in middle school, so what?"
"You've grown since then. "

There it was again.
That overwhelming feeling of wanting to cry.
Bakugo was pretty sure he wanted to kill Izuku for making him feel this way.

"Please stop being so nice. "
"Your making this harder. "

Bakugo whispered, roughly wiping his tears away.

"Just tell me, kacchan. "
"It's gonna be ok. "
"We're gonna be ok. "

"We'll figure it out. "

The ash blonde nodded his head while taking in a deep breath.
There was no backing down, Izuku deserved to know.

"I told Almight."

Cliffhanger suckers 😝

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