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   (Self harm/abuse/rape)

It took quite a lot of coaxing to get the freckle teen to undress and step into the bath tub.
Katsuki thought it was gonna be a lot easier then it was considering he seemed pretty out of it.
But as soon as Bakugo touched his arm, all hell went loose.

After a few minutes of trying to calm him down, and explaining to him he wasn't gonna try anything.
They just needed to get the blood washed off him and to see how deep he had ended up cutting.

However that still wasn't enough to convince the freckle teen, so Katsuki started stripping, stopping at his boxers, there was no way he was gonna bathe his childhood friend completely naked.

Thankfully that was enough for Izuku to strip as well though it hurt like a mother fucker.
But he was to busy scanning the blonde's body, questions running through his mind a millimeter per second.

Most frequent question being,
    'Why was he so beaten up?'  'And where did all those scars come from?'

Yet he still didn't speak, he kept quite.
He didn't trust his voice at the moment, but at least that other God forsaken voice had went away.

For now.

"It might burn a little. "

Bakugo whispered, as he watched Izuku step into the bath.
Keeping his eyes trained higher then the freckle teens waist of course.

Midoriya only nodded his head, as he sunk into the warm water.
Thankfully the blonde at plopped a huge amount of body wash into the water making it where there was a bunch of bubbles.
So Izuku was able to cover up his junk, before Katsuki got any closer.

The blonde reached out to grab the nearest rag, only for Izuku to flinch back and hit his head against the wall.

"Shit, are you ok?"


Izuku manage to croak out, rubbing at his head now.

Bakugo noted quietly to himself that he needed to give the greenette a heads up anytime he starts moving.

"Alright I'm gonna wash off the rest of this blood ok?"

Midoriya nodded at his word.

The blonde wanted to say something.
He didn't like the long ass silence, and further more he was debating on rather or not he should ask the freckle teen about what he heard earlier.


Luckily for Bakugo, Izuku decided to break the silence.

"Can I ask a question?"

Bakugo wanted to answer with a sarcastic remark, but refrained from doing so.
He decided with a small grunt, to show Midoriya he was listening.

"W-Why do y-you have all those b-bruises?"

Katsuki had completely forgotten, about his injuries.
And I know what your thinking, how in the world does someone forget the fact that there's scars and bruises littering their entire body.
Well he kinda had a lot of things on his mind, like the fact that his child hood friend was literally bleeding out, and that his childhood idol could be a rapist.


Katsuki trailed off, was he ready to tell someone?
He never really thought about it, sure he thought but having a conversation to his future husband about it, because he was being a nosy ass bitch.
But he'd cuddle the blonde and reassure him he wasn't weak, in fact he was the strongest person in the world.

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