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Bro's I forgot how to draw dead a*s..... I tried drawing something yesterday and legit was horrible.... It's mainly because I haven't drawn in like two years of her then a dead pool picture but I'm so sad now gotta start from point A. 🤣🤣🤣
🚨🛑Trigger warning 🛑🚨

Sometimes a mother's touch is all you need.
It's a saying you don't here often, but it's very meaningful and true.
Izuku remembered when he'd fall and scrape his knees when he was really little, and his mother would always 'kiss his booboo's away'.
Yes, it still stung, buuut his mother way of speaking always made him feel better.

Just like her lullaby that she would often sing him to sleep, when he would have terrible dreams.
Which is exactly what his mother was doing at the moment.

After Inko had showed up Bakugo took his leave, thinking it was the best choice for Izuku.
And his mother slowly coaxed him into standing up and getting into the car, it took alot of talking to especially since Midoriya didn't want to be touch.
With that Inko could tell something more was up, but for now she decided not to push it instead she took him to her bedroom, because he didn't want to go to his room.
(Wayyy to many Almight merch).
Once she got Izuku into her bed, she starting singing him his old lullaby.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please, don't take my sunshine away
The other night, dear
While I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and cried
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please, don't take my sunshine away.

Izuku eventually fell completely  asleep, regretfully letting darkness consume him, but that was mainly because he didn't want to have another night mare.

"Night baby. "

Inko whispered, kissing the freckled teens forehead before leaving her room to let him rest.


*𝘛𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰*

"How is he?"

Inko smiled softly at the message, she knew Katsuki cared deeply for the greenette.
Even if he liked to act like a little turd, she could always tell.

"I'm not sure. "
"But he's asleep for now, so hopefully he's feel at peace."

"Your welcome to come over and check on him later!"

"I would love to catch up with you!"

The greenette texted, as she walked into the living room, she might make some peanut butter cookies.
Those were Izuku's favorite.


"Thank you for the invitation but I don't think it's a good idea. "

"I'm pretty sure I was the reason Midoriya was so panic."

Inko wasn't stupid she knew the blonde bullied Izuku in middle school, she even knew about him telling her son to take a swan dive.
She had found out a couple day after due to Midoriya mumbling.
But when she went to confront Bakugo, she caught his mother beating the crap out him, yelling a bunch of insults all whilst Katsuki was pleading for her to stop.

Inko had finally understood why the blonde acted the way he did.
He didn't hate Izuku, he just had a bunch of anger and unfortunately took it out on her son.
Don't get her wrong though, she didn't allow Katsuki to continue, why do you think he's so polite to Inko?
Because she made sure he understood bullying her son  wasn't gonna make him feel any better.
In fact one day, it could make him feel worst, like now for example.
And because of that Bakugo respected her.
She didn't threaten to tell another authority figure or call him a monster for all that he had done.
But she also didn't allow him to continue, which was something he was extremely grateful for.

"Oh, sweety I'm sure your not."

"When I find out the real reason, I'll let you know😊"

"Till then remember I love you, and be safe ❤"

The greenette at one point did offer Katsuki a place to stay, but he had denied that option.
So she tries her best to make it clear her door was always open, Bakugo just didn't believe he deserved it.


🚨🛑Trigger warning🛑🚨
             (Self harm)

•𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙮•

After yesterday's incident, Izuku was finally able to go to the Mall.
Did he think it was a good idea?
Not really.
But if he didn't then, when he got back to the dorms, he was gonna be one cold mother fucker.

It took him almost am hour but he finally found a comfortable bed set, and the best part was it was a dark green, so it kinda matched his whole vibe anyway.
And since it didn't cost all that much, the freckled teen decided to buy some led lights and a new lamp just cause.
However now he was stopped in front of a bunch of school supplies looking at one particular item.

When he was in middle school he had dealt with some depression but it wasn't all that bad in his opinion.
He never thought about offing himself, he did burn himself with a lighter once however he didn't like the after math so he never did so again.
Though cutting never once cross his mind, till now.

He didn't understand why, but it felt like the pencil sharpener was calling him, almost taunting him in a way.
Something in him knew, cutting wouldn't solve any of his problems, but the other part of him, the one that screamed louder, was telling him that hurting himself will scrape off the disgusting parts of him.
The places he could still feel Almight' hands.
And he would do anything to make that feeling go away.

So he bought a pack of pencil sharpeners.

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