𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝔀𝓸

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"What do you need to talk about?"

Todoroki asked, getting comfortable on Izuku's bed.
How come it felt like no one really slept on it yet??

"Tch, your gonna keep your mouth shut right?"

"Of course. "

"I gave Izuku my word. "

Shoto replied.
He in truth never thought about self harming, but he knew his mother had a history of it, that and baking her kids faces.
He hated seeing the people he deeply cared for getting hurt, even self inflicted.

"Thank you Bakugo, for taking care of him. "

"Tsk, I'm not sure I really helped honestly. "

Bakugo grumbled under his breath, before getting straight to the point.

"Look I'm gonna ask the damn caterpillar if you and I can switch rooms. "

"I don't understand. "

The blonde growled at the icy hot boy, he didn't want to explain why but he knew there was a higher chance for Todoroki in agreeing.

"Because..... "

"Y-You can fucking comfort him, and say nice things. "
"You can make him feel fucking safe, and protected...... I-I can't do that.... "

"Hell I'm the reasons he had such a shit childhood. "

"I just..... I don't believe I am what he needs..... I can't make him feel safe. "

Bakugo felt a small weight lift off his shoulders, it seemed this vacation is just filled with him confessing shitty things he's kept locked up for so long.

"Bakugo do you really believe that's a wise choice?"

"Midoriya seems to trust you a lot more then me. "

"Tch, trust me your right for him.... "

"I-I'm right for him?"

"What do you mean?"

Poor, poor shoto he was a genius when it came to academics, but emotions not to much.

"Tch, look idiot your gonna stay with Izuku, and I'll stay with..... who are you staying with??"


"Great, he's one of the extras I can tolerate."

"Wait Bakugo i don't think-"

"Shut it, icy hot. "

"I've already told you your staying with Deku and I'll stay with Sero!"


A frail voice called out.

"I-I thought..... "

The greenette trailed off, he wasn't gonna cry.
He can't.
At least not in front of the blonde himself.
If Bakugo wanted to leave again, fine.
But this was gonna be the last time he let the blonde back in his life.

"Izu I just think..... Icy hot can help yo-. "

"So your just gonna bail. "
"After telling me you weren't gonna leave?"

"That's not exactly-"

"Whatever Bakugo, go ask Mr.  Aizawa, I don't wanna see your stupid face anymore then I have too. "

Midoriya scoffed, walking back into the bathroom and locking the door.

"Bakugo do you really think this is a good idea?"

"He's obviously hurt. "

"Exactly, because I keep hurting him. "

"Trust me this is the best thing, you can help him. "

"You can actually be there for him and say all those comforting words."

"He needs that. "

"Not me. "

The red and white hair boy took in a deep breath trying to hold his tongue.
It was obvious changing Bakugo's mind would be impossible, so he decided to let fate do it's thing.

"Alright Bakugo, if you think you know best. "



"What the fuck do you mean no!?"

The ash blonde yelled.

Mr. Aizawa was just trying to enjoy his nap, but then a certain student of his decided to interrupt it.

"Because, Midoriya asked for you specifically. "

"So stop being selfis-"

"I'm not being selfish!"

"The whole reason I want to get away from him is because I'm trying to not be selfish. "

"I want to be around him all the damn time, but when I'm with him I'm just an ass-hole. "
"I don't say comforting words, or kiss his scars telling him he's always gonna be beautiful."
"Because he is, and always will be the most beautiful person I know."

It really seemed this trip was just gonna be filled with Katsuki admitting things.
Which pissed him the fuck off.

"Bakugo, your doing something right, or he wouldn't have spoke your name when I told him to choose someone."

"And if your doing this cause being nice isn't your nature, then make it your nature. "

"Unless you can't?"

The Raven hair teach declared, hugging the blonde for a moment.

"Tch, fine."

"I'll be the nicest person there fucking is. "

"But only to him. "

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