𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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"Izu wake the fuck up!"

The ash blonde pleaded, shaking his childhood friend.

Once the greenette had heard Almights booming voice, it seemed time itself had frozen.
His ears had begun ringing and he felt sick again.
He needed to get to a bathroom, now!
Away from Almight, and away from his breakfast that he momentarily was enjoying seconds ago!
Sadly when he stood up, his vision became spotty and seconds later he ended up passing out, hitting his head on the side of the bar in the process.

Obviously the first thing the blonde tried to do was to catch him, but that failed horribly.

It became worst when the blonde adult tried to grab him.

"I got him, you bastard!"

Shit he didn't mean to yell, I mean it's Bakugo so what do you expect?
But he couldn't allow Yagi to figure out he knew.

"Young Bakugo, I understand your protective of him, but he needs to go to recovery girl. "

"Fainting for no reason isn't a good sign. "

Almight preached.

"Recovery girl is here?"

Bakugo mumbled, remember certain things on the greenette's arms.
If he went to recovery girl, She'll definitely see his arms.

"Yes, now please hand him over."

"Fuck no!"

"Izu, love, please wake up, come on please just open your fucking eyes. "

"Hmm Kacchan?"

Izuku whispered, barely opening his eyes.

"Oh thank fucking god."

"What happened?"

The greenette asked, noticing their current position.
Bakugo sitting criss cross, and the greenette himself was laying in his lap.

Before Bakugo has the chance to answer, a certain adult cut in.

"Well, you fainted young Midoriya!"

"Are you alright now?"

Izuku's whole complexion went pale, and he felt like vomiting all over again.

"Tsk, I'm taking him to our room for some rest. "

"But young Baku-"

"Shut it Almight!
" If he faints again, I'll take him to that old bats room!"

"Almight, he's g-gonna.... "

Izuku whispered, as Bakugo walked off with him.

"I don't w-want i-it to happen a-ag-again. "

"Ssh Ssh keep your voice down."

Katsuki whispered, trying his best not to let Almight hear.

"B-But Kacchan h-he-"

"Sssh please be quite, Izu. "

"We're almost to our bedroom."

"Young Bakugo!"

Yagi tried yet again, being inches from the boys now.

Katsuki 'tch'ed at the teacher, wondering why the hell he couldn't get him to go away??

"He's fine ass-might. "

"What was that?"

Yagi questioned not fully hearing the blonde.

"He said I'm fine, I just n-need some s-sleep. "

The freckle teen finally gathered up enough courage to speak.

"Alright, if you insist young Midoriya. "

The yellow hair teach growled, before walking away.

"Are you alright nerd?"

"C-Can you put me down please."

Midoriya whispered, his voice cracking a couple of times.
He needed to get away from plain sight.
He needed to hide somewhere!!

The bathroom?
It has a lock, and he can hide in the bathtub behind the shower curtains, for extra measures!


The blonde tried to speak, but the greenette had already took off, to their bedroom.
On a mission.
He wasn't gonna allow Almight to force himself onto him again, he was gonna hide for the rest of his life.
Yes, he knew that was unrealistic, one simply can not do that.
But at the moment, he didn't care.
He needed to find a safe place, now!

"Izuku wait!"

Katsuki shouted, running after the greenette.
He was scared on what Midoriya may do.

Before Bakugo actually had a chance to catch up to the greenette, he was already in the bathroom with the door shut tightly and locked.
And to the bathtub he hid, with his head in his knees and his arms wrapped around himself for comfort.

Yes he knew he might seem pathetic, heck if anyone were to see him at moment he was sure they'd laugh and tell him just how useless and weak he seemed at the moment.
But he didn't care, he wanted to feel safe and hidden.

*𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔* *𝙺𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚔*

"Izu, can I come in?"

The blonde's voice came out the softest it had ever been, his mind just kept racing back to the memory of a few nights ago.
The blood bath he had witness Izuku doing to himself.

It made him want to throw up and cry at the same time.
He didn't want his childhood friend hurting as much as he was, but he hadn't a clue on how to handle this situation.

"Please Izu.... I need you to open the door. "

"It's only me. "

"No one else is in here, no icy hot, no shitty hair, no Almight. "

"So please just open the door, and I'll come in and close and lock the door, without hesitation."

Bakugo promised, scratching at the door handle a tad bit.

The freckle teen hesitated for a moment, he had a feeling if he didn't open the door for the blonde, he'll probably grab  Aizawa.
And Izuku definitely didn't want to see ANY adults at this very second


Before Katsuki had a chance to speak, Midoriya had already unlocked the door and cracked it a tad bit, before running back into the bathtub hiding behind the shower curtains.

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