𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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I'm so freaking nervous (。>﹏<。) (。>﹏<。)

In legit one week, I get to meet one of my Internet friends/small crush..... My stomach is doing a bunch of flip flops and way totally negative thoughts are going through mind like what if she doesn't like how I looks??
I mean we've seen each other when face timing but like that's it!! And what if I say something stupid??? I always say stupid stuff and only afterwards I realized how stupid I sounded!!
Or what if I freeze up or go into one of rambling habits (yes I actually do that, I relate to izuku way to much sometimes) 😅😅😅my point is I'm nervous. 🤣🤣🤣🤣any advice?

Anyway enjoy the story lmao!!

"How'd it go?"

Todoroki asked, though he already knew the answer considering the blonde came in cussing under his breath and throwing his house shoes at the bathroom door.

"Tch, fuck off. "

Shoto growled a little at that response, before coming up with his own.

"When you threw those house shoes were you picturing Izuku??"

"Cause you do know, if he had open the door, it would of hit him. "

Katsuki's whole face went pale, he hadn't thought about where he aimed his tantrum.
Men he even tries hurting Izuku with out putting thought into it.

"Tsk, of course not!"
"I was throwing them!"

"Fucking bastard. "

Speaking of Izuku....

"H-Has he came out since....."

Bakugo asked, thinking back on how angry and sad the freckle teen seemed.

"But I did go in there, and before you ask he wasn't harming himself he was just hiding in the bath tub. "


"But I'm not supposed to tell you that."

Shoto declared with a small smirk.

"Then why the fuck did you??"

"Because you hurt my best friend, despite your intentions. "

"So maybe stop being an idiot and get some glasses, so you can see clearly. "

"Zuku wants you. "

"He wants you to tell him everything's gonna be alright, and he trusts you a lot more then the rest of us. "

"So stop being an idiot. "

"Tch, fine. "
"How the hell does everyone know this but me??"

Bakugo questioned, huffing in anger.

"Because your an idiot. "
"I thought I just made that clear."

Shoto deadpanned.

"Get the hell out. "


The red and white hair boy eventually left, after talking to Izuku for a few minutes letting him know he was heading back to his dorm which the greenette responded with an ok, and see you later sho.

After a good two hours had passed, the blonde began to get more and more anxious.

What if Izuku was hurting himself??

All he needs to do is knock right?
Yeah, and ask him if he's alright.
Yeah, easy peasy, show the nerd how much he cares!

"I have to take a piss."

What the hell!?!
That wasn't nice at all!!!
It wasn't even anything about him!!!

Before Katsuki could say anything else, Midoriya had already opened the door and with a silent death glare he stepped to the side and walked out.

That cold shoulder was so cold it put todoroki's ice to shame.

Bakugo gulped, he definitely fucked up.
Izuku and him was finally having a normal relationship and he decided to fuck it up all over again!
Just because he got in his head, did his mother really have so much of an impact on him?


"Don't call me that. "

"Deku or Midoriya. "

"Tch, yeah I'm no-"

The greenette sent the ash blonde another glare, silencing him completely.

"F-Fine MiDoDiYa. "

Katsuki mocked, before walking into the bathroom this time.
He'll just take a shower and hopefully come up with a better plan to win back Izuku's smil-err trust.
Oh who was he getting he wanted both.

Before Bakugo had a chance to grab some clothes,

(he had a towel around his waist relax).

he saw Izuku grabbing his duffle bag and placing a couple of pillows and a blanket.

"Where you going nerd?"

"Sho said if I wanted to sleep over I could."

"I don't really wanna be around someone who breaks promises and lies. "

'He's really pissed.'

'Wait... '

"Icy hot!?"

"His name his shoto. "

"Not Icy hot. "

Midoriya growled.

"I said that out loud.'

" Night Bakugo. "


Katsuki yelled, surprising his own self.

"Will you at least eat something?"

That was good right?
He was letting the greenette know he really did care, especially with how skinny he had become.
The blonde didn't want to wake up one day and find out Midoriya was dead because of starvation.

"And you care why??"

Bakugo didn't reply, how could he?
He didn't know how to, he really didn't understand how to be nice.
After all he was mainly raised by his mother.
But he was trying!

"That's what I thought."

"Stop being wishy washy, and get your crap together."

Midoriya hissed, opening up the bedroom door, stopping for a second.
His mind went to last night, and the stuff the blonde had confessed.

He didn't want Katsuki to believe his mother's words, despite how he acts.
The greenette knew there was a kind a heart, somewhere in the body.
Bakugo just needed to find it.

"Y-Your not a villain."

"So you better not be thinking that, you just need to make up your mind on what you want and stop stringing me around."

"I'm not a dog and you don't control the leash. "

And with that Midoriya officially left for the night.
Leaving Bakugo alone with his thoughts, but also oddly enough hope?
If Midoriya was extremely mad he wouldn't had comforted the blonde like that.

Maybe he still had a chance.

He just needed to make sure not to fuck it up again!

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