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This mainly gonna be in 3rd person View.
Just a heads up lol.
Also how are you guys like the book so far? ☺

Both the teens spent hours, packing and throwing away all things Almight, till eventually his walls were bare, his dresser and night stand was completely blank no stickers, and no action figures other then the one limited edition  Eraser head, and his sheets and blankets were completely stripped no more Almight bed sheets.

His room was completely rid from any and all Almight decoration.
Izuku felt like he could finally breath, even if it was just a smidge.
It was at least something.

"So did you think about how you were gonna decorate your room?"

The blonde finally asked after the longest silence of his life.
The whole time him and Midoriya took things down and threw stuff away they only spoke once and that was when Bakugo suggested selling his shit, that way he could use the money to buy new blankets and what ever else he wanted.
Izuku didn't respond but that was mainly because he was to busy trying not to throw up.

"Not really, but I figured once I get these sold, then I'll figure it out on the way."

Izuku replied, he was sitting Cris cross on his desk chair as the blonde laid flat on the greenette's bed.

"Ahh so you are taking my advice, good choice nerd. "

Izuku rolled his eyes at that comment but he couldn't help the smile that made it's way across his lips.

But Bakugo definitely enjoyed the greenette's smile, he hadn't seen a real one of those in forever.
He wondered if he www to ask what was going on, if Izuku would tell him?
Then again does he even trust him enough?
Especially if his theory is true that would mean his childhood friend was quirkless again, and that was the main thing he bullied him for in middle school.
So the chances of Izuku telling him, is probably low.

'Shit, what time is it?!'

"Well this has been fun, but I need to get going. "

The blonde mumbled, he knew it had to be hitting close to six in the morning and he needed to start packing his bags to go see his mother.....

"Ok.... see ya later Bakugo. "

Katsuki wanted to tell him to stop calling him that, but he decided against it considering he was the one that yelled at him to stop.

"Tch, yeah later Midoriya."

And for the second time that morning, Izuku about dropped his coffee.


𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐!!

"God your such a spoil brat!"


This same beating had been going on for an half an hour now, and Katsuki  just stopped talking after about ten minutes.
Realizing that his mother wasn't gonna stop any time soon.

"God your such a disappointment!"

"Your so weak you let your own self get abuse!"

The female blonde yelled, kicking Katsuki right in the rib soon afterwards.

His mother knew he wouldn't fight back, he couldn't.
His hands were literally a  dangerous weapon that does have a habit of spiraling out of control, when he's super pissed.
He despises his mother sure, but he doesn't wanna hurt her.

"Damn it hag!"


The blonde yelled, once he noticed how he was starting to cough off blood.

"Tch, stupid brat. "

"Do you really think, screaming orders at me is gonna help you in this case?"

"Your fucking mental!"

*Another kick*

"Your so fucking disgusting, I wish I never gave birth to your ass!"

*Another kick*

*And another*

You might be wondering how come Katsuki didn't just stay in the dorms, if he knew this was what was gonna happen?
Well he tried that, and Mitsuki convinced Mr. Aizawa to take Bakugo home, and the beating only became worst because of it.

"Tch, I'm bored. "

"Go out and buy something for me to eat! "

The ash blonde barked, throwing some cash on the floor and walking away.

Sadly that was how the beatings would usually end, either that or she'd tell him to clean the whole house spotless.

At least this way Bakugo could get out of the house for a little while.

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