𝓢𝓲𝔁𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓲𝔁

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Hmmm so should I post the last chapter today? Ooooorrrr

"He seems to be pretty healthy, mentality and physically."

"Are you hurting anywhere?"

The nurse asked, looking up from her clip board and over at Izuku.
Who was cuddling with his boyfriend.

"Uhm.... I don't believe so, no."

Midoriya lied, his back was in a lot of pain, but he wanted to get out of this hospital as soon as possible.
In hopes his teacher doesn't have to spend so much money.
However Katsuki wasn't gonna allow that lie to pass, the blonde sneakily poked at Midoriya's side watching as he visibly flinched but then threw a glare at him.

"His back still hurts."
"Got any pain medicine for that?"

Katsuki questioned, completely ignoring Izuku's mean glares.


"Oh uhm yes!"
"Just give me one second, I'll have to ask the doctor what I'm allowed to give him."

The nurse exclaimed already half way out the door.

"Why would you do that?"
"Now their gonna keep me longer!"

Midoriya barked, lightly hitting Bakugo's shoulder.

"I wouldn't had said anything if you were being honest."
"But you weren't, you lied."

Izuku could tell there was some hidden message in that sentence but he couldn't quite place what that message was.

"Kacchan what are you trying to say?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were hearing voices?"
"Or that you were feeling suicidal, and still are."

The blonde was quite, he had barely spoke that over a whisper.
He knew if someone was to hear him they'd definitely keep Izuku longer.


Izuku felt a lump in his throat, stopping him from even speaking.
When he finally worked up enough courage to speak up the nurse had came back in and gave him a couple of pills.

"This should help, if in the next few hours your still hurting let me know and I'll give you more."


Izuku muttered, his eyes staying locked on Bakugo's.

"Uhm... Ok well I'm gonna just leave now. "

The nurse awkwardly stated, walking off fastly.

"I-I'm sorry kacchan....."

Katsuki didn't want Izuku apologizing to him!
That was the last thing he wanted he just want the greenette to talk to him.
Confine in him.
But he didn't know how to explain that without coming off as needy in his opinion.

"Tch, I don't want you to fucking apologize to me."

"Oh.... "
"Then what do you want?"

Bakugo slowly pulled Midoriya into a hug trying to be mindful of his back while doing so.
He had to remember yelling is what his mom would of done, and he's not like his mom.
Yeah right.
He'll never become like his mother, he'd make sure of it.
Starting with being soft.... but I mean he only had to be soft to Izuku right?
Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

"I-I want to know what you want."
"How can I help you?"

Oddly enough that was the final straw for Izuku to finally break down.

"I-I don't know kacchan."
"I feel so disgusting, all the time."
"I keep thinking maybe if I had done something?"
"Maybe if I was stronger, but Instead I was just a weak Deku."
"I know everyone keeps saying it's not my fault, but I feel like it is. "
"I feel like all of it is my fault, maybe if I hadn't been born-"

"Ok.... I'm gonna really need to stop you there."

Bakugo started to say, pulling away from there hug only to see a teary eye Izuku, which caused his soul to shatter into tiny little pieces.
He hated seeing the greenette cry, and he hated hearing how degrading his words were when speaking about himself.
Especially since none of it was fucking true.

"Sorry I was rambling...."

"No that wasn't it."
"I just don't believe you shouldn't had been born."

Katsuki declared, wiping his boyfriend's freckled face the best he could.

"B-But I've cause so many problems...."

"So what?"
"We're all humans Izuku, we all cause problems."
"There's only a majority of people who bounce back and solve other people problems along the way. "
"Kinda like a give and take situation."
"But your so busy giving away all your kindness, you seem to fucking believe you don't need some yourself."

It was silent for a moment, the couple just staring at one another before Katsuki decided to speak up again.

"You know if you were to ask me I truly believe you deserve all the happiness in the world."
"Hell, I believe you fucking deserve the world, your damn angel."

Midoriya blinked in surprise, an angel?
How could Katsuki see that?
Angels were pure and kind hearted.
He guess he was nice.... but pure?
Further from the truth.
He was damaged.

"I don't get i-it, how can you?"
"After all that he did, t-that Shi did."

"And yet just yesterday you were trying to convince your mother to take in chapstick."

"Another fucking villain, one that helped you get kidnapped in the first place."
"Yet your willing excepting him as your brother?"
"Your a fucking angel, you give second chances err scratch that you give fucking third and forth chances to people who don't even deserve them."
"Like me. "

Midoriya giggled at the other, he knew telling Katsuki he does deserve all those chances was pointless.
He'd just argue about how that's not true, so he went ahead and changed the topic.


Izuku questioned, a small giggle escaping his lips.

"Tsk, look all I'm trying to say is..... I'm here for you."

Katsuki was full on blushing, but he was hoping his words were getting through the greenette's thick skull.

"I love you too, Kacchan."

"Tsk, about time you fucking said it. "

Katsuki playfully teased, leaning in slightly.
He wanted to kiss Izuku badly, but he wasn't sure if the freckle teen was comfortable with that.
Might as well ask am I right?

"Can I kiss you?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Midoriya muttered before pulling the ash blonde into a deep and loving kiss.

Yeah, they were gonna be ok.
There was no doubt in that.

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