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Kiari walked in the house and felt a weird feeling

she boutta start some He thought

He waved it off and turned the lights on before getting greeted by him and his gf dog Carti

He sat his keys down and walked to the room



Kiari walked in the room and seen his gf sitting on the bed looking at tv


"Kiari be honest" she said making him let out a frustrated sigh

"What Satouri"? he asked turning the tv off

"Where were you"?

"Told you i was at the studio"

"First it was Coolie house now it's the studio what one is it"? she asked getting off the bed

"And don't lie to me" she said pouring some wine in her empty glass

"I was at the studio" he said lying straight through his teeth

"I called your job you wasn't there" she said drinking some of her wine

"Don't worry bout what i was doing Satouri" he said going in the closet to
put his gun and ring he was bought today in the safe

"Why can't you just be honest wimme"?

"Chill out" he said taking the glass out her hand and sitting it down

"I wasn't doing anything you wouldn't have wanted me to be doing" he said making her roll her eyes

"Then why you coming in so late"? she asked feeling him put his hands on her waist

"It's the fourth night in a row"

"I been busy baby"

"With what Kiari"? she asked trying to get out of his grip

"Like i said .. don't worry bout it" he said kissing her lips

"Imma try to get home on time. You missed me"? he asked letting his hands roam her body

"No" she mumbled lyin not looking him in his eyes

"Whatchu said"? he asked grabbing her face and moving it towards him

"I said no" she said crossing her legs a little

"So yeen miss me"? he asked kissing on her neck

"N-no" her breathing hitched as she placed her hands on his shoulders

She felt him untie her satin robe before it fell off her shoulders and body




"Satouri stop bugging frl. It's a surprise" he said looking her in her eyes letting her know he was telling the truth


"I promise" he said as she wrapped her arms around his neck


"Man Nicole you serious"? Kiari asked

"Yes i'm serious Kiari. I can't do this no more with this girl" Nicole said

"What she did now"?

"She got a disrespectful ass mouth"

"Her ass will surely be on the next plane to Raleigh North Carolina cause i can't deal with her"

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