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Im over it , i'm frl over it

I don't got no choice but to be over it

Satouri and Saturn took me to get my hair done, some new clothes, i even got me some li lashes

They from the hair store but these bitch are tooooooo cute

I feel better honestly

I sighed a little and walked downstairs

I seen daddy watching tv and we made eye contact

Rolling my eyes on the sligh i went in the kitchen

He didn't have to get mad at me the way he did

I know i was wrong for not telling him but he went over the top

He said he didn't want me to be like Satouri. She didn't hear him say it but i did and honestly he wrong for that

She's supposed to be his girlfriend

"Whatchu got on"?

"Clothes" i mumbled

It was a crop top and some ripped up jeans

Jeans was ripped tf up but not toooo bad

The shirt was fitted tho

Honestly it's not like me to wear tight clothes and show my skin but i'm trying to learn to love my body and my figure and ngl it's helping

It may not be the best way but it's helping cause i look tf good

Plus i been trying to focus on the positive and forget about whatever i think is negative

He didn't say anything he just left

He good at that.

Jae came downstairs and walked in the kitchen

"Wassup" he said taking a water out the fridge

"Hey" i said

Lately i'm not gonna lie .. i'm not gone lie .. i be feeling mad weird around Jae

Like not the butterflies type of weird either .. that weird i shouldn't be feeling

It has to stop man

Satouri told me once you do something sexual like kiss, get hickeys anything like that you start to crave anything sexual like that a lot and i get where she coming from

I wish it would stop tho

Ever since i got that hickey from Ty my body been acting hella funny, especially around Jae

Like when i kissed him and he was kissing back and his hands was on my waist— SEE MAN we gotta stop

Only 14, only 14, only 14, only 14, WE ONLY 14


"Wassup"? he asked

He had his hair in one pony tail looking good asl

He lips omg his lips man.

"Never mind, you seen Satouri"? i asked

"She in the room with Saturn, you straight"?

"Yea fasho" i said

He looked down to my shoes to my face kinda stopping at my lips then eyes before he shook his head

"You look good Ny" he said before walking outside

I know

I walked to Satouri room and walked inside

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