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"Dang everybody finding out bout Nyairi" my homeboy Coolie said making me nod

"She pissed but she'll get over it" i mumbled playing back the song i was recording

"So when you plan on proposing to Satouri"?

"Man idk. We been kinda going through some shit but when i know we 100 percent good imma do it" i said glancing at my phone that was ringing

I answered it and it connected

"Hey babyyyy" i heard Satouri dragged making me smile

"Wassup mama, wyd"?

"Nothing i just got off work. You still at the studio"? she asked looking in the camera

"Yea, imma be home a li later go head and relax and shit"

"I'm not cooking today cause i already ate and Nyairi over at Winter house"

"Ight, imma be home after while i love you"

"I love you too" she said before hanging up

"Y'all so headass" Coolie said with a goofy ass grin on his face making me bust out laughing



I felt Jae burning a whole in the side of my face as me, him, Winter and her parents sat at the diner table

I need to leave asap man.

I ain't touch my plate yet and i feel bad because they were nice enough to invite me to dinner and i didn't even eat anything

"Nyairi, hunny is the food okay"?

"Yes ma'am— i umm i'm just not hungry" i said

Jae seriously has to stop staring at me

"I'll be back excuse me" i mumbled getting up from the table

I walked to the bathroom and just as i was about to close the door Jae grabbed it pushing it open

"Damn Jae"

"Nyairi you okay"? he asked

"Yea" i nodded

"Why you not eating"?

"I'm not hungry Jae" i scrunched my face up

He's getting on my nerves bad about this whole thing and what's even worse is i know all he doing is looking out for me but i can't handle it

Plus i'm not feeling good at all

"Jae just chill man" i mumbled grabbing his arm

Not as me trying to reassure him more like i'm bout to fall

"You good"? he asked grabbing me making me stand straight

"No my head hurts" i said

I feel dizzy

I feel like my body is about to shut down on me

"Come on" Jae mumbled sitting me on the toilet

It got hot as hell all of a sudden and my head spinning like crazy



"Nyairi" i said as her body kinda went limp

"Wtf" i mumbled realizing she passed out

I took her off the toilet and put her on the ground like they taught me in some class i took

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