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I looked at Zion before looking at Nyairi who was laying on the couch together

I sense it.

The way their close but at the same time trying not to touch each other too much

How he keep looking over at her

"Y'all come here"

They looked at each other and got up


"What's y'all problem"?

"Uh we don't got a problem" Zion mumbled

"Oh reallyyyy .. then why Zion got a hickey on his neck"? i asked

"Idk he got it from some girl" Nyairi said

"Nyairi, don't lie to me. Tell the truth"

"He wanted one cause he said he never had one" she mumbled

"What y'all be doing in that room"?


He wasn't saying shit, Nyairi was talking

"Don't be in there making babies and shit,
you remember what we talked about Nyairi"

"I knowww .. it was a accident"

"Y'all putting y'all lips on each other is a accident"?

"And you giving him a hickey one too"?

"Yea, it was like a in the moment thing i guess"

"Idk what to do .. like yk when i start feeling like that" he finally said

Oh wow

I'm never good at these conversations

I know what they mean and how they feel but idk what to say

I talked about this with Nyairi already with Saturn but i didn't with Zion obviously

I'm pretty sure he know how babies made but like it's more to it than that

"Okay how about this .. keep everything in y'all pants and shirts to y'all selves for rn" i said

"Zion you can have the talk with Kiari"

"Unt unt he make me nervous"

"Punk" Nyairi mumbled

"Then you can have it with Kayden— why you don't talk to your brother about it"?

"He always at work" he mumbled

"Okay talk to whoever you wanna talk to about it"

The door opened and Kayden walked in the house

"Kayden come give this boy the talk" i said making him scrunch his face up

"Why you need the talk"? he made a face

He ain't say nothing he was just looking around

"You wasn't scared last night why you not talking" Nyairi mumbled making my mouth drop

I need to be watching what they asses be doing cause what

"Shut up Nyairi" he made a face

"Oh lord" Kayden mumbled looking at me

"Uh .. come on" he trailed off making me shake my head trying not to laugh



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