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"Wassup" i said sitting on the couch

Zion looked at me and ain't say nothing he was just looking

"You good"?

"Uh— yea yea" he nodded

I forgot Satouri told me he liked my music and he wanted to actual meet me

"Wassup with you and Nyairi"? i asked

"Uh— that's my friend"

"Nigga chill out" i said

"Stuttering and shit" i laughed

"It's cool" i said

"She just my friend, i mean i like her but we friends"

"What you like about her"?

"Her personality. How she not scared to show how she feel, how she passionate about certain things, her laugh even tho it's ugly, her hair, her smile, how nice and genuine she is .. it's a lot" he said

Damn, how old this li nigga is

"If you tryna see what my intentions is with her i promise they're good, i wouldn't hurt Nyairi she means a lot to me" he said

"That's wassup, you seem like you like her frl"

"I do" he mumbled as she walked in the house with Kayden

"Guess who got ice creammmm" she said

"That's all yo ass good fa" i told Kayden

"You a fucking hater, ice cream makes everybody happy" he said

"Why you needed ice cream"? Zion asked her

"I was sad" she said sitting next to him and opening the tub of ice cream

"Why"? he asked taking a spoon from her

"Because i lost my necklace"

"You always losing something" he said eating her ice cream

"What you doing here daddy"?

"Exactly nigga fuck you here for"? Kayden made a face

"To see my daughter— nigga you gone stop talking to me like you crazy" i scrunched my face up

"Shut up, where Satouri"?

"She in the room"

"Ight imma need you to leave and fa you to take all the chern with you" he said making us all scrunch our face up

"Y'all is disgusting" Nyairi made a face

"We not even gone do nun, we finna watch a movie" he said going in the fridge

"Then why we can't stay"?

"Cause the movie ain't pg, goodbye"

I seen he had whipped cream in his hand and scrunched my face up even more

"Y'all come on, we finna go to the park or sum" i said making them get up

I looked at Kayden and he just looked at me blankly

"Go" he said shaking up the bottle



I walked in the class making everybody look at me

"Look who can finally join us"

"Good morning" i mumbled walking to the back where Nyairi was

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now