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"Y'all i got a idea" Nyairi said

"Why everything got to involve around you"? Jae asked making her roll her eyes

"What's the idea Ari"? i mumbled

"Anyways. The idea was to make a club, but it's like about African American history yfm. And we can like spread awareness on like what happened to us, and about yk police brutality, being black in our generation allat"

"Why yall keep bringing up what happened"? Jae smacked his lips


"I get where you coming from Jae, you don't wanna keep reliving it but maybe what you need to do is talk about it. Plus it is a good idea, just to bring some type of awareness of what be going on" i said

I be trying to reason with him and not turn it into a argument but he be blowing

He just kept quiet

"And i was kinda sorta hoping you would run it. I know you like topics like this, and i know you real into your whole black activist thing" she said looking at me

"You would be a great manager"

"Idk" i shook my head

"Mmcht you just said it was a good idea. I'm trying to be more selfless since i'm so full of myself" she said side eyeing Jae

"I was just playin Nyairi you not full of yourself"

"Take that sorry ass apologize and shove it up yo ass cause idc" she said lowly making him smack his lips

"Anyways like i said Ari, i don't know" i said

"I fuck with what you tryna do but you know ion like having a bunch of attention on me"

"You have to overcome your fears. Do it for meeee .. and most importantly all the kids like us"

I sighed a little and thought about it

"Ight" i said making her smile

"I'm co-manager" she said making me laugh

"Jae you in"? she asked

"Mhm hmm" he hummed

"So can i like .. make posters and shit"? she asked making me laugh

"Do whatever you want. You in charge for promoting it. Did you ask the principal"?

"Yep she said it's okay and that she loves the idea so she'll help us with whatever we need money wise"

We had a black principal. She real cool




I sat down and sighed looking around the classroom

Who tf makes a uno club

We was basically just playing uno with a partner or group

I mean it's not boring but i don't know anybody

"Hey" this girl said sitting in front of me


"I'm Kali, you Nyairi right"?


"Oh, i seen you sitting by yourself so i decided to bless you with my presence" she said making me laugh

"You in 9th"? i asked making her nod as she mixed up the cards

"Yeaaaa, i seen you in a couple of my classes but i just started coming here"

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