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"Wake upppp"

If he don't leave me alone

"Satouri wake up"

I smacked my lips and sat up

Bonnet not on my head nomo, hair all over the damn place.

"What"? i mumbled rubbing my eyes

"Thought yo ass was dead" he said making me roll my eyes

"Fuck i'm tired" i mumbled laying back on the bed

"You said that earlier" he mumbled before laughing

"Aye i gotchu a plan b because i don't know if i pulled out .. i think i did i don't remember" he said handing it to me

Thank god

He had me all out my character a couple hours ago ..

For him to be so damn goofy ..

"Satouri" he said snapping me out my thoughts

"You straight"?

"Yea" i nodded

Yo he really laid that shit down..

Had me losing brain cells that shit was so good

He don't get tired and that shit is beyond me

I never even thought about having sex with him because he so goofy and shit but mannnn

And that fact he acting like he just wasn't tying my ass up not too long ago is crazy

"You hungry"? he frowned looking at me

"Uh yea" i trailed off

"Imma order sum, i wanna stay with you" he said

Aftercare is what i'm hearing ???? mhmkayyyy i can get used to this

Kiari never really stayed after we had sex because he always had something to do, this new

"What you want"? he asked sitting my legs in his lap

"Idk .. chick fli a"

"Okay, you want some nuggets or a sandwich"? he asked

"Imma get both you too indecisive" he mumbled

I looked at him while he rubbed my legs and ordered our food

I grabbed my phone and texted Saturn

"Imma be right back you need something"?

"No i'm okay"

He nodded and got up before walking out the room

I called Saturn and she picked up fast


"Bitch— he laid.it.down"

"Biiiiiiitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she dragged

"I'm talking round after round, praise kink mixed with a degrading kink, PLUS bitch he tied me up"

Her dramatic ass screamed

"Girl that's how i was" i shook my head

"I knowwwwww you fucking lyin" she said making me laugh

"I'm tired man. But allat was good asl, the best part is .. he staying"

"Like staying with you after ? yk aftercare make sure you good allat"?

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