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"Wassup"? Toot asked sitting down

"Sooooo" i trailed off sliding the box back to him

"What"? he asked opening the box before closing it

"Me and Kayden got in a fight about it and now we not talking and idk what to do with it"

"You didn't tell him you had it"? he made a face


"That was dumb"

"Well i see that now" i said

"Do you want to get rid of it is the real question" he said

"No .. but it's messing up everything"

"No, you not telling him is what's messing up everything" he said

"That too" i said making him laugh

"I'll give it to Nyairi, i was looking for one for her anyway" he said

"Like a promise ring"?

"Yea" he said taking the ring back

"Might not fit her idk" he said taking it out

"Okay. I'm sorry Toot"

"Aye don't apologize to me, apologize to ya boy" he said

"He is not tryna talk to me"

"Why you say that"?

"Cause he said he's not tryna talk to me" i said making him laugh

"What was said Satouri ? you know when you get in arguments you can be childish and petty"

"I swear .. and hear me out .. i kinda tried to flip it on him but i swear i didn't realize it"

"You manipulative asl" he laughed

"Don't laugh it's not funny, that's bad. That's how i was when i was young" i frowned

"Just apologize"

"I guess. And keep this between you and me .. i think i'm pregnant" i mumbled

"You think you pregnant"? he trailed off

"Yea .. my titties growing and shit plus i missed my period"

"Your period always late"

"I know but .. idk"

"You not on birth control no more"?


"Y'all be fucking raw"?

"Tmi Toot , but yea"

"Take a test"


"Then don't shit idk. If you was, would you keep it"?

"Of course"

"Okay then you don't got nothing to worry bout"

"I already take care of Jae and Nyairi"

"You don't do it alone so what difference it's gone make. I help with both of them and Kayden do too i guess .. if that's what you call buying them ice cream whenever something happen"

"I guess .. i wonder how he would react"

"He gone be happy"

"I guess" i mumbled looking at my phone seeing he didn't text back

"It was that bad"? he asked

"Yea .. cause i kinda called him the day after and was like stop being petty and he was like 'Satouri leave me tf alone if anybody was being petty yo dumbass was being petty, you need to grow tf up sometime' and yea shit like that" i trailed off

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