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"You mad"? i asked Nyairi sliding some ice cream over to her

"No" she shook her head eating some of the ice cream

Okay okay

I thought she was gone be mad i told Satouri

"How it feel being on lockdown"? i asked making her roll her eyes

"You didn't eat that" she said making me laugh

"It's fine. Kinda boring" she shrugged

"Well y'all start school in two weeks so it's almost over"

"Y'all always eating some damn ice cream" Satouri mumbled walking in the kitchen with Kacey on her hip

"You just mad you lactose intolerant , li shitty booty ass" i said making her roll her eyes and for Ari to laugh

"I am not"

"Girl yes you is, i remember when we ate ice cream at my house one time—"

"Okay Kayden" she cut me off making me laugh

"Aye she tore my bathroom up that shit was funny"

"That's how i knew we was official frl frl" i said making them laugh

She sat Kacey on the counter in front of me before looking in the fridge

"What y'all want to eat today"? she asked



"Chicken tenders and fries and onion rings" Nyairi said making me dap her up

"I'll see bout the onion rings nie" she said taking out some chicken

I picked up Kacey and sat at the island by Nyairi

"You ready for school"? i asked Nyairi

"I guess, i'm gone try out for cheer" she mumbled

"Yo stiff ass can't cheer"

"You is a hater" she frowned

"I'm just saying, you know how to flip and shit"?

"No" she laughed

"Then why you trying out"?

"Because the outfits are cute and it'll look good on me" she shrugged

"Hoe" Jae threw a fruit roll up at her

"Jae don't call her a hoe" Satouri shook her head

"Right .. if anything you a hoe , you man whore"

"Nyairi don't call him a man whore" Satouri said hardly paying them any attention

"Ain't you was a cheerleader"? Nyairi asked Satouri

"Yea but i only did it cause i looked good in the outfits" she shrugged

"Exactly, i don't know how to cheer"

"Me either, when i was in school they picked a lot of girls that can cheer and few of girls that couldn't just because they were pretty .. i was one of them"

"As long as i can wear the uniforms i'm good" she nodded

The door opened and Zion walked in

"Why you always here"? Jae made a face

"You one hating behind nigga" Zion shook his head

"Heyyy" he said hugging Satouri

"Hey baby, how was work"?

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now