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"This like .. some serious shit, i wish i didn't find out" Kayden frowned

"I wish you didn't either" i rolled my eyes

"Okay so since i know imma try to give you the talk"

"What talk"?


"Let's act like you don't know about anything" i said

He found out only because i thought i was here by myself and was walking around mumbled i just lost my virginity over and over

"Uhh .. you regret it"?


"Did you actually want to do it or you did it because you thought you had to"?

"I did it because i actually wanted to do it. I mean we was on the way back and i was thinking about it and kinda weighing out the pros and the cons"

"Y'all talked about it before y'all did it"?

"Yea he just kept asking if i was sure. At first i wasn't .. i kinda thought i had to only because.. we not gone get into that. But at first i wasn't that sure but as he kept asking if i was and i was thinking about it , i kinda realized i wanted to do it"

"So .. idk what to say. Y'all used a condom"?


"Umm .. talk to Satouri or Saturn about this cause .. idk what to say ... ummmm .. it's ice cream in the freezer" he said patting my back before walking away

It's been like a week since it happened. Nothing really changed relationship wise, we just more open with each other if that makes sense

I feel the same for the most part

I sighed and realized i wanted to talk to somebody about it

I called Saturn and she answered

"Wassup babes"

"Wyd auntie"?

"Nothing with Aj and Zion"

"Wassup Ari" Zion said getting in the camera

Oh something has changed since we did it.

I start smiling and blushing when i get around him

"Hey" i said trying not to smile

He just laughed

"Why you smiling like that"? Saturn frowned

"Let me find out"

"Actual i need to talk to you"

"Uhhh about"?

"Things, can you come over"



"Let me guess, you and Zion lost y'all virginities"? she said as she sat down

"Yea" i trailed off

"Wowwww, how was it"? she asked

"Good. I liked it"

"Okay that's good. How it happened"?

"You remember i told you about what happened in Atlanta"?

"Yea, you gave that nigga blue balls" she said making me smack my lips

"What y'all talking about"? Satouri asked making me jump

This is not how i wanted everybody to find out

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now