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"Daddy i need help" i sighed plopping next to him

"With what"? he asked smacking on some chips

"So in my literature class we studying poems and that's my thing but i'm having trouble writing one" i said

"What do it have to be about"?

"Something important to you, or your thoughts in general"

"Listen to music it helps. Instead i listen to instrumentals but it may help you more to listen to music because the lyrics may bring out whatever you wanna write"

"Who should i listen too"?

"Ask Satouri, she hardly listen to rap music she listen to R&B"

I nodded and got up before going to the room



"Wyd"? i asked getting in the bed

They probably have sex in this bed

"Nothing wassup"?

I explained to her my project

"You know i love me some Lauryn Hill"

"I haven't listened to her a lot.. who else"?

She listed some more people and i went back in my room

I shut my door and put on some music before getting in the bed


"Next up is Nyairi" my literature teacher Ms Mayes said

I got up with my notebook and walked to the front of the class

The classrooms in this school wasn't the classrooms you see all the time

It had a bunch of lights, beanbags, stuffed animals , a huge book shelf etc

"Okay my poem is called What is love" i said feeling everybody looking at me

I glanced at Jae and he smiled putting up two thumbs up making me laugh

He knew me. He knew i was nervous asl

"We're ready whenever you are baby"

I nodded and looked at my notebook

"Love is amazing. Love is Fun. Love is rare and i don't know where to run"

"Love is dangerous, love is like a gun. Give it to the wrong person you may not have no where to run"

"Love is pain. It usually come with rain. The rain will soon fade and you'll soon have brighter days"

I looked back up at the class and it's like each and everyone of us had a staring contest before they started clapping


"Nyairi that was excellent, would you like to explain to us the meaning behind your poem"?

"So um obviously it's about love. When i said love is rare and i don't know where to run i was referring to feeling loved for the first time and not knowing if i should accept it or run away from it" i said making the class get quiet

"When i talked about it being dangerous i was talking about putting your love in the wrong hands and them taking it as an advantage and basically trapping you to where you feel like you can't run nowhere else"

"The last part umm .. everything comes with pain but love shouldn't honestly, but it does and i was referring to the rain as the pain you feel in a relationship and it could be a relationship with anybody. When the rain clears and y'all stop having the problems y'all are having and your not feeling that pain anymore then the brighter days start to show and yk everything is how you want it to be" i said

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now