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I looked at my phone seeing it was 4pm

"Wtf" i mumbled sitting up and wiping my eyes

I was sleep for a long ass time

I tried to remember what happened last night

I just know i went to a party got drunk and came home

I seen Zion had texted me telling me to call him when i wake up

I facetimed him and he answered

"Yo you good"?

"Fuck no" i mumbled

My head hurting bad

"Eat and take some medicine"

"I am"

"You gone tell me what yo problem is"?

"Not now"

"Thank you for coming to get me"

"Mhm it's good" he said hanging up

I smacked my lips and put my phone down

I don't got no energy for that rn

I got up and felt light headed asl

I took a deep breath and walked out my room

"Hey" i mumbled going in the fridge

"Hey baby, you okay"?

"Yes ma'am" i said getting out the milk

"It's 4 and you just waking up ? that's not like you"

"I had a long night"

"Why you back so early"?

"Uhh my period came on" i said grabbing the cereal

She nodded and went back to feeding Kacey

I guess she was eating baby food now

I ate some of my cereal and put my head down

This shit hurting so bad

"You sure you okay Nyairi"?

Do she know ..?

"Yea , my head hurting" i said

"Look up"

I looked up at her and she walked over to me making my heart start speeding up

"You feel okay"? she asked feeling my forehead

"Yes ma'am" i said laying my head on her chest

She rubbed my back and kissed my forehead before going back yo feeding Kacey

The door opened and Kayden walked in

"Yooo" he mumbled kissing Satouri cheek and fist bumping Kacey and kissing her cheek

Kacey learned how to fist bump, how ? idk

I'm guessing Jae taught her

"Come here" he looked at me

I got up and followed him to the living room


"You good"? he asked handing me a tub of ice cream

"Yea, thank you" i said

"I'm not gone tell Satouri but if it happen again imma have too. Why you drinking"?

"It's just .. idk how to explain it" i mumbled

"You doing it because something going on"?


𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now