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Everything just wrong today. Wrong, wrong and wrong

Nothing can't never go fucking right

I was starting to do fine but shit getting worse

I just got a 40 on my test, and i lost my necklace

I always get attached to a piece of jewelry and end up losing it

Plus i'm on my period.

"Nyairi can you take this to Ms Lawrence classroom"? my teacher asked snapping me out my thoughts

"Yes ma'am" i mumbled

I grabbed the stack of papers and walked out the classroom

I think Ms Lawrence class room is on the 11th grade wing

Once i found her class i knocked on the door and one of her students opened it

"Wassup Ari" Sky said

"Hey girl"

We sometimes talk , ain't nothing happen tho

I went towards the teachers desk and set the papers down

"Ms Mayes wanted me to give you these"

"Thank you dear tell her i said thank you".

I nodded and turned around cause i felt everybody looking at me

As i walked to the door i heard somebody laugh

It took everything in me not to but i looked to the side of me and seen Ty with his friends

They was laughing at something on his phone

"Aye send me that send me that"

They was looking directly at me

Oh shit.

I felt my heart drop to my ass

"Damn Nyairi, you in 9th grade"? one of the boys asked eyeing me down

I didn't respond and just left out the class

Embarrassing asl.

I felt my throat start tingling and my eyes started burning

All i hope is he do not send it to everybody and they momma

I was trying not to cry but it was hard

Wasn't nobody in the halls like that but i knew if i started crying i was gonna cry cry because i been holding it in all day

My jacket getting caught on the fucking rail of the steps was my last straw. I started crying

I wasn't finna sit here and cry my ass on the 11th wing staircase so i cried my ass to the 9th grade one

I couldn't go back in the class cause everybody would look at me

"Who tf cryin like that"?

That shit made my ass cry even more

I got up and tried to go in the bathroom but i heard the footsteps

"That's you crying"?

"No" i mumbled

You can hear it in my voice

"What's wrong"? the boy asked more curiously than concerned

"Nothing" i mumbled giving up and wiping my face

"Gotta be"

"You wanna burger"? he asked handing me a burger

Where tf he get a—

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now