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The new house pretty asl. It's not big but it's not small, it's the right size for me , Jae and Nyairi

I been putting furnisher in it since last month and it didn't take long at all

It's a lot of pink and white everywhere since those are my favorite colors

Only room that probably don't got pink in it is Jae room cause i did his room black and blue since he like the color blue

His room very plain idk why. I let him get everything he wanted , i thought he was gone cash out but it's a very simple room

He always keep his room clean so i'm not even worried about that

Nyairi room almost look like mines

When we was shopping everything i put in the cart she put in there too

She wanted to stay with me and ian got no problem with that, Toot asked me if he could get her on the weekends .. we'll see how that go

It's not as weird as i thought it'd be moving and living without Toot cause i mean he was barely home as is

Jae asked me if his friend could come over and i got stuck

Cause i know he talking about that girl and i know how Nyairi is

But i can't say no because i don't have a reason to say no

So i told him yea and i been trying to distract Nyairi

But i can't leave the house either

The doorbell rung and Jae ran to the door

"Wait" he mumbled walking over to me

"I'm musty"? he asked holding up his arm

"First of all back up" i scrunched my face up and pushed him back

"Am i musty"?

"No boy go answer the door"

He nodded and opened the door

"Wassup" he said letting her in

"Omg this house so pretty" was the first thing to come out her mouth

"Hey" she waved at me

"I'm Briana"

"Hey baby" i said making her smile

"Momma where—"

Okay cause Nyairi started calling me Momma and shit and i can't lie and say i didn't want to cry

She looked at Briana and Jae and looked at me

"Hey, you Nyairi right"? Briana asked

"Yea. You Briana"?

"Yea, it's nice to meet you i be seeing you in school"


Briana looked at Jae and he looked at me

"Come on Nyairi" i said pulling her to her room



"She doing to much" i mumbled walking to my room

"Don't say that" Bri hit my arm

"She's not doing to much, doing to much would be her acting on her emotions which she's not doing. She probably just a little hurt" she said closing the door

"What you wanna do"? i asked

"Play the game" she said making me shake my head and turn the game on


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