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Everybody was over here for new years.

I was in my room, i don't feel like being bothered but of course here she come

"Jae you okay"? Nyairi asked closing my door behind her


"You sure ? You can't go into the new year mad or sad or .. whatever it is you are" she said sitting next to me

"Nyairi i'm not in the mood man watch out" i said

She really don't know when to leave people alone

She looked like she wanted to say something but she just got up

"Okay" she mumbled walking out the room

This new year imma try to be nicer and more patient. I'm not patient and since i'm
not patient i come off as mean

I stayed in my room for a while before i went in the kitchen

I fixed me a plate of rice before going outside

"You burning the damn ribs Kiari" Kayden said pushing him out the way

"Nigga that's how they supposed to be"

"Not black like the back of yo neck" Kayden said

"Both y'all can't cook so move" Satouri said taking the li thingy out Kayden hand

She really know how to do everything

"Hey" Briana said sitting next to me

"Wassup" i said eating some rice

I looked over at Zion seeing he was tossing a football in the air with Kayden and Kiari

I looked at Nyairi seeing her sitting in a chair on her phone with Zoee in her lap

It was currently 10:37

After i ate my food i went and played ball with Zion and Kiari since Kayden was helping Satouri



This new years suck. Ass.

I know everything not about me .. but why nobody want me around me

New years is currently sucking ass rn

I'm starting to think i really am clingy .. cause ain't no way both Jae and Zion don't wanna be around me

A familiar car pulled up almost running over daddy

"HEY BITCHESSSSS"! Saturn yelled getting out the car

"Wassup Mars" daddy said throwing the football at her

"Fuck you Kiari" she said throwing it back

She gave everybody hugs before stopping at Zion



"Who you is"?

"Nyairi friend"

"Mhm you the li boy she gave a hickey too"

Daddy looked at her and looked at me

She walked over to Kayden and Satouri

"This the famous ass eater Kayden"? she asked

Kayden looked at her before looking at Satouri

"I— i didn't tell her" Satouri said shaking her head

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