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I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face before getting back in my bed

Ngl i ain't been looking forward to Christmas at all

It's the same ole same ole and don't get me wrong i love and appreciate my brother for what he does every christmas but i'm not feeling it this year

We always wake up eat breakfast open the little bit of gifts we have in my room, play the game then go to our momma grave then to wrap it up and eat some burgers

I love it but sometimes i wish things was different

I walked in the kitchen and seen he was making breakfast

"Merry christmas" i said

"Merry christmas" he said putting some pancakes on a plate

"So it's been a change of plans" he said making me nod

"We gone eat and open presents then go to Satouri house because she invited us over, and after that when the day is about to end we can go to momma grave"

"Ight" i said sitting in a chair

I'm trying my best to be in a good mood but it's hard

He gave me my plate of food and i remembered how momma always made heart shaped and christmas tree shaped pancakes too

It's Christmas, we not gone cry

I ate my food and we went in my room to open presents he put in there while i was sleep

He swear up and down Santa is real

It was 3 box's wrapped up

He can't wrap presents for shit and it made me laugh

"I know it ain't much but it's something and i think you gone like everything"

He gave me one and i opened it up

It was a purple camouflage helmet which made me frown

"It's hard but you know my board got stolen"? i asked looking at the helmet

"I know just open everything" he said making me frown

I opened the next one and seen a picture framed up of me, him and momma on my 8th christmas.

The Christmas before she died

My chest feeling heavy and my eyes burning

"I— uhh like it" i said putting on my nightstand

Fuck fuck fuck fuck i don't wanna cry

He makes it a big deal when i cry and be trying to baby me. I appreciate it but omg

"Ight look at this one"

I opened it and seen a small box

Opening it up i seen a bracelet that look way too familiar

"This mommy's"? i trailed off looking at it

It was a beaded bracelet, it was real pretty. I remember seeing her always wearing it

It didn't look toooo girlie but shit if it did i wouldn't care

"Thank you" i mumbled putting it on my wrist

Damn don't cry Zion

"Aye you know i love you, and all the shit i do is for you. I know i ain't been home as much and i apologize fa det but i been working my ass off"

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