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I walked in Nyairi room seeing she was under the covers watching youtube

She been her bed forever. She was dealing with the break up, me ignoring her, her dad being mad at her allat

I been ignoring her for the simple fact she blew me, i been told her not to get with Ty and she still did it

I knew what Nyairi did for the simple fact i was playing in her phone. I'm surprised Ty and leak em

Imma just mind my business

"Nyairi" i mumbled getting in the bed with her

"Move man"

"Why ? i know you miss me" i said pulling her over to me

Her eyes was red asl and puffy

"Why you crying"? i asked making her roll her eyes

"I'm frl. It ain't nothing to cry about"

"You don't understand"

"Well help me understand cause honestly you crying for no reason me and both knew he was gone cheat"

I can't do this sensitive shit it's hard, especially since deep down i'm sensitive if that make sense

"I put my trust in him Jae"

"I know you did, it was dumb asl i told you not to do it" i shrugged making her smack her lips

"Keep going"

"I actually liked him"

"Did you really"?

Ion like that

"Yes, i thought he liked me too. He cheated on me with that Malaysia"


"She pretty asl"

"You pretty asl too, i don't get what you pointing at"

"Yea but she's prettier" she mumbled wiping her face

"Stop comparing yourself to people. You're pretty too just like the rest of them. Half of the girls you comparing yourself to ain't even allat. You pretty physically and you got a pretty personality, looks can't top that"

"You need to chill out with allat insecure shit, you don't nothing to be insecure about you. Ain't nobody perfect .. and don't be telling people i be saying shit like this" i said making her laugh

"But .. you perfect Nyairi. Everything about you is perfect, and if a nigga can't see it they bout blind asl"

Her li crybaby ass bout to cry

Frl tho she really is perfect. Yea she got a few flaws but everybody do

"I love you" she said trying to fight the smile on her face

"Yea i know" i said hugging her

We both sat up straight and she wiped her face

"Frl tho don't be around here ignoring me" she said making me laugh

"Tough love" i shrugged

"Yea whatever" she said hugging me again

"Remember what i said in class"?

"No when"? she asked laying under me

"When you read your poem"

"Oh .. yea i remember" she said looking up at me

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