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"Why is you still asking me about this ? i was just playing i wouldn't cut your weewee off" i said

"I was just playing" i trailed off

"I don't believe you" Zion said making me laugh

"I'm frl, i don't like blood"

"You deal with it every month how you don't like blood"

"Because i deal with it every month"

"Imagine" he shook his head

"You good so far"? he asked

We was back at school

And so was Ty and his friend

"Yea" i mumbled

"You seen Jae"? i asked

"Nah , i think he got lunch with us tho" Zion said

"I tried to talk to him yesterday he said he didn't wanna talk to me"

"Ion know why you keep trying with that nigga"

"Because i know how he is, he reminds me of my daddy kinda"

"I think he's mad at me because of .. us. Cause like we used to do the shit me and you do now"

He just shrugged

"Oh" he said opening the door to our next class

He got moved to my literature class

"You coming"? he asked looking for a seat

"No come sit right here" i said sitting next to Jae

He smacked his lips and sat next to me in the beanbag

"Jae what we doing"?

"They going over the poems we was suppose to write" he said making me frown

I forgot about it so imma just read something i been wrote

"Aye ian know we had to write poems and shit" Zion tapped me

"It's not just that, it's other things too" i said making him shake his head

"Nyairi why don't you come up and read yours. You always have amazing work"

I got up and grabbed my notebook before walking to the front of the class



"When you broke your promise—
You broke my heart

It shattered into a million pieces it felt like my world was falling apart

You're supposed to be my best friend
Being apart will take a tug on my heart

Sometimes i wish could just hit "restart" "

When she was done everybody was clapping and shit

She really raw at this shit frl

"That was wonderful. Would you like to go into depth about the meaning"?

"Umm .. sure" she kinda trailed off since everybody was asking her to explain it

It's self explanatory they just nosey

"I feel like it's all self explanatory but the first part is about somebody close to me breaking a promise and how i felt after" she shrugged

"And without that person talking to me and being in my life it kinda threw me off and i felt like the world was falling apart. Like you know how you have a bond with someone and when something happens and y'all stop speaking it feels like something is missing.. and it just feels like the world falling apart around you"

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